Quick links:
? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
? - Unknown surname
--, Alan
--, Alan
--, Alan
--, Arthur
--, B. S.
--, Charles Andrew
--, Don
--, Garth
--, John Edward
--, Joseph
--, Kevin
--, M. Elam
--, R.
--, Roy
--, Roy
--, Roy
--, Stanley
--, Tom
--, Tom
--, Tom
--Ley Collection
A., H. S.
A., M.
Abbey, N. (?)
Abell, H. F
Abraham, J. Johnston
Abrahams, Roger D.
Addy, S. O
Addy, S. O.
7:25 7:36-37 7:40 8:47 8:52 8:80 12:134-136 12:136-137 16/1:135 16/1:151-154 18/1:45-53 28:149-153 29:9-12
Adlard, Eleanor
Agnew, T. S.
Aikin, J.
Ainley, Carl
Albino, H. H.
Alcock, Beatrice
Alexander, C. W.
Alford, Violet
1:327-337 3:145-161 4:155-156 7:78-82 7:82-83 7:84 9:1 15/1:14-18
Allen, J. W.
Amery, P. F. S.
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Nania (?)
Andrews, Alex (Ed.)
Andrews, M.
Andrews, William
Andrews, William (Ed.)
Andrews, Williams
Andross, William (Ed.)
Ann Tate, Ann
Archer, Patrick
Archibald, I.
Ardern, C. E.
Ardern, Mr.
Armitage, H.
Armstrong, Alice
Armstrong, E.
Armstrong, J. T.
Arnott, S
Arnott, S.
Ashton, --
Ashton, John
Ashwell, C.
Ashworth, John
Askew, H.
Assheton, Nicholas
Astill, Robert
Astle, William (Ed.)
Atkinson, H. C.
Atkinson, J. C.
Atkinson, T.
Aubrey, John
Axon, G. R
Axon, W. E. A.
Axon, William E. A.
B, L. (?)
B., A.
B., A. R.
B., Allan
B., J.
B., J. (?)
B., J. J.
B., L. L.
B., Ll.
B., R.
B., S.
B., T. A.
B., W.
B., W. M.
Babb, Marguerite J.
Bacon, John M
Bacon, John M.
Baines, --
Baines, Edward
Baker, Anne Elizabeth
Baker, D. C.
Baker, F. T.
Baker, J.
Baker, Joseph Brogden
Balch, E. E
Balch, E. E.
Baldwin, Lucy and Arthur Ridsdale
Balfour, --
Balfour, Henry
Ballard, A.
Ballinger, Brian
Bamford, Samuel
Bancroft, H. H.
Bango, --
Banks, Isabella
Banks, M. M.
Banks, M. MacLeod
Barber, Alec
Barber, J.
Bardsley, Thomas
Bardwell, Len
Barker, E. Phillips
Barley, L. B.
Barley, M. W.
3:402-410 3:410-413 3:422-430 3:430-434 3:434-443 3:443-445 3:445-448 3:449-454 3:470-471 3:484-496 3:516-524 7:108-110 24:31*-35
Barlow, G.
Barnard, E. A. B
Barnes, F.
Barnes, James
Baron, Geoffrey
[Barrett, J. P.]
[Barrett, J. P.]
Barton, B. T.
Barton, H. C. M.
Basile (Giambattista)
Baskerville, C. R.
Bates, J. Allen
Bates, John
Bateson, H.
Bateson, Hartley
Bathunt, Colonel (?)
Batson, H. M.
Batson, Mrs. H. M
Bayley, --
Beaumont, B.
Beaumont, N. M.
Beazley, S.
Bebbington, John
Beckett, Arthur
Beckwell, R. W.
Beckwith, Martha Warren
Beddington, Winifred G.
Bede, Cuthbert
Bedford Tom
Beevers, Robert
Bell, Mrs.
Bell, Robert
Bennell, John
Bennett, James J.
Bennett, Joseph
Bennett, Sam
Bennett, Sam (?)
Benson, James
Bentley, Bernard
4:99-102 10:87-89 10:89-91 12:7 16/1:2-3 16/1:4-5a 16/1:14 18/2:630 22:157R-159
Berry, C. J.
Berry, W.
Best, C.
Bibby, Mrs.
Bickerdike, Mrs
Bicknell, R. W.
Bilton, H.
Bingley, --
Bingley, W.
Binney (?), Mr.
Binney, E. H
Binney, E. H.
5:138-139 6:55-56 6:59-60 6:62-64 6:70 7:42 8:54-65 11:82 11:133-135
Birch, C. E.
Birch, S.
Birch, W.
Bishop, Mary
Blackwell, Robert
Bladen, W. W.
Blair, Alex M.
Blake, J. B.
Blake, Lois
Blake, Lois (?)
Blakeley, Phyllis R.
Blakeway, J. P
Blakeway, P.
Bland, J.
Blanning, Gwen
Bloomfield, --
Bloomfield, --
Bloomfield, --.
Bloomfield, B. C. (Ed.)
Blount, T.
Blount, Thomas
Blume, Friedrich
Blunt, Janet H.
Blyth, H. E.
Board, M. E
Boase, George C.
Bogg, Edmund
Bonham, J.
Bonner, G. I
Bonnett, C. S
Booker, John
Booth, W.
Booth, W. D. G.
Boreland, John
Borell, Louise
Borlase, W
Borlase, William
Botrell, William
Bottrell, William
Boulogne, J. P.
Bourne, --
Bourne, --
Bower, H. M.
Bower, Herbert M.
Bowers, --
Bowes, A.
Bowman, Winifred
Bowman, Winifred H.
Bowness, E. A.
Boyd, A. W.
1:32V 1:54V-57R 1:66-76 9:28-31 9:31 9:31-33 9:33-&7 9:40 9:46-47
Boyle, C.
Boyle, Mrs.
Boyle, Mrs. (?)
Brabrook, Edward
Bradbrooke, W.
Bradbrooke, William
Bradbury, Dorothy
Bradbury, Joseph
Bradbury, Peter and Elizabeth Faram (?)
Brand, John
2:60-68 2:76 6:37-38 7:119-120 8:81 15/1:193-194 15/2:219-221*
Brayley, Edward Wedlake
Brears (?), Charles
Breton, Nicholas
Brewer, --
Brewin, Ann, W. Wilson, and George Singleton
Brewster, John
Brice, James
Bridge, Joseph C.
Brierley, Ben
Brierley, Benjamin
Brierley, George H.
Brierley, Henry
Briscoe, J. P.
Briscoe, John Potter (Ed.)
British Broadcasting Corporation
7:135-137 8:149-152 8:152 8:31-32 8:32-35 8:35-37 8:37 18/1:172-181 18/1:182-193 25:64-65 29:43 30:41
Brittain, Thomas
Broadwood, L. E.
Broadwood, L. W.
Broadwood, Lucy E.
Broderick, J. P.
Brody, Alan
Bromwich, F.
Brooks, F. G.
Brooksbank, Mrs.
Broughton, S.
Brown, Bryan W.
Brown, C.
Brown, Cornelius
Brown, Cornelius (Ed.)
Brown, F. Gordon
Brown, Hilda
Brown, Mrs. T. P
Brown, Richard
Brown, Theo.
Browne, H. T.
Bruant, M.
Bruce, Fred W.
Bryan, Benjamin
Buchanan, J. R.
Buchanan, Walter
Buck, Anne
Buckland, E.
Buncombe, G. E
Bunn, Margaret
Burchett, P. J
Burghah, Ed.
Burke, Johnny
Burkett, A. R
22:53-57 22:58-59 22:60 22:61-62 22:63 22:64 22:65 22:65 22:67 22:68 22:69 22:70
Burkett, A. R.
Burkett, Anne
Burkitt, C. E
Burne, Charlotte S
Burne, Charlotte S.
Burne, Charlotte S. (Ed.)
2:164-171 2:171-173 2:173-176 10:181 10:184-185 10:186-187 10:187 10:192-193 10:195-200
Burnett, --
Burton, --
Burton, Alfred
Burton, R. W
Bussey, Bernard
Butterworth, --
Butterworth, --.
Butterworth, Hy. C.
Buxton, A. S.
3:471-476 3:496-501 3:501-505 3:505-509 3:509-516 3:524-529 3:529-534 3:534-540
Byers, John W.
Byrne, Patrick C.
C., B. L. R.
C., G. A.
C., H. T
C., J.
C., J. H.
C., S. O.
C., T. J.
C., W.
C., W. G.
Cable, John H. I.
Cains, Audrey
Cairns, Audrey
Cairns, Mrs
Calder-Marshall, Arthur
Campbell, Lena
Campbell, M. E
Campbell, Marie
Cannon, Joan
Canziani, Estella
Carey, Clive
Carman, W. Y.
Carmichael, Alexander
Carr, James
Carse, Miss
Carter, Harry
Carter, J. W.
Carter, Kenneth
Carter, S. Bonham
Carter, T. C.
Carter, T. J.
13:1 13:2 13:2 13:5 13:5-6 13:8-9 13:10-12 13:12 13:14 13:18-19 13:19-20 13:21-22 13:23 13:29-32 13:32-33 13:33 13:33-34 13:37-38 13:39-40 13:40-41 13:41-44 13:44-46 13:47 13:47-48 13:48-53
Carter, T. J. (?)
Cartwright, James Joel (Ed.)
Casimir, Paul
Cassie, Fisher
Cassie, W. Fisher
Casta, Atnu (?)
Caswell, T. (?)
Cathcart-Smith, C.
Cawte, A. C.
Cawte, E. C
Cawte, E. C.
9:105-106 9:116 9:125 9:129-131 9:135-136 10:119-120 10:150-151 11:44 12:3-6 12:37C-37D 12:113-115 15/2:319-327 30:149-152 33:5:11 33:5:12 33:5:13
Cawte, E. C. (?)
Cawte, E.C
Ceiriog-Hughes, A.
Celeria, Francis
Chadwick, T.
Chadwick, William
Chalk, E. S.
Chambers, --
Chambers, E. K.
Chambers, J. R.
Chambers, R.
Chambers, R. (Ed.)
Chambers, Robert
Chambers, Tom
Chandler, Charles H.
Chandler, George
Chart, D. A.
Chattock, R. S.
Cherry, Mary C
Cherry, Mary G
Cheviot, A.
Chisenhale-Marsh, U. B.
Chitock, H. F.
Chitty, Mary
Choindeaibhain, Ide Ni
Christian, Garth
Christy, Elsa B. (Eds.)
Christy, Miller
Clare, John
Clark, E. B.
Clark, G. Kitson
Clark, Hyde (?)
Clark, Kenneth
Clarke, James
Clarke, John
Clarke, W.
Clarke, William
Clarke, William G.
Clarkson, C.
Cleaver, J.
Cleland, James
Cleverley, P. H
Clipham, Mr.
Clogh, J. N.
Clough, E. A
Clough, E. A.
Cluley, Frank M.
Clusterbuck, R. H.
Clutterbuck, H.
Clutterbuck, R. H
Cocks, A. H.
Coggan, Margaret
Coleman, F. Jackson
Coleman, S. Jackson
10:65-67 10:86-87 10:125-12 11:2-3 11:3-4 11:4-5 11:5 11:5-7 11:8 11:8 11:8-9 11:9 11:9-12 11:12-13 11:13 11:14 11:14 11:14-15 11:33 11:33-34 16/1:73-77
Colfox, Alice L.
Colhoun, Mary
Collier, Carus Vale
Collingwood, R. G.
Collingwood, W. G. (Ed)
Collins, J. R., Jr.
[Compton, Helen Douglas (Rev.)]
Conquer, L.
Consiglio, Mother
Cook, W. B. (Ed.)
Coombs, M., Miss
Cooper, E.
Cooper, E. Winifred
Cooper, George Miles
Cooper, Henry Swainson
Cooper, J.
Cooper, N.
Cooper, Nora
Cope, J. Hantenville
Coppock, G. A.
Corbett, E. (Ed.)
Cordey, Edward
Cordrey, Edward
"Correspondent, A"
Cossins, James
Cotter (?), James
Couch, Jonathan
Couch, T. Q.
Couch, Thomas Q.
Court, Arthur
Courtney, M. A.
Coward, --.
Coward, T. H.
Cox, J. Charles
Cragg, John
Craster, S.
Craven, A. B.
Crawford, Sean
Creighton, Helen
Cresswell, Beatrice F.
Crofton, H. T.
Croker, T. Crofton
Crompton, H.
Crompton, Harper
Crompton, R. C.
Cropper, Arthur E.
Crossfield, Paul
Crossley, F. H.
Crowther-Beynon, V. B
Cudderdon, --.
Cumming, A. D.
Cumming, Alex D
"Curious, Belfast"
Curle, J.
Curle, James
Currey, Thomas
Currie, S. B.
Curtis, N.
Curtis, Thomas K.
D, E. F. H.
D., M.
D., R. E.
D., W. G
Dack, Charles
Daking, Caroline
Danaher, Kevin
Dance, Enid
Daniel, Clarence
Daniell, David
Danielli, Mary
Dargan, Ena
Darwen, E. A.
Davidson, Hilda
Davies, J. D.
Davies, James
Davison, A.
Dawes, --
Day, Gertrude E. N.
Day, J. Wentworth
Day, Mrs.
De Meiboom, --.
Dean-Smith, Margaret
1:30R 1:34R 1:34R 1:293 3:225-226 16/1:40-45 16/1:46-53 16/2:229-250 16/2:312R 16/2:313 21:69-70
Dean-Smith, Margaret J.
Deery, Hugh
Deighton, Harold
Delaport, Abbe
Derwin, Francis
Deverell, Edith M.
Dew, W. N.
Dinsdale, F. T.
Dinsdale, H. T. (?)
Ditchfield, P. H.
2:127-133 2:133-134 2:134-139 2:139-150 2:151-158 4:1 5:12 5:17 5:26 5:102 6:48 6:77-78 7:125 8:82 8:82 11:130 31:43-47
Ditchford, Mr.
Dixon, D. D.
Dixon, G.S
Dixon, J. H. (Ed.)
Dixon, William G.
Dobson, A
Dobson, M. H.
Dodd, A. H. (Ed.)
Dodd, Derek
Dodd, J. J.
Dommett (?), Roy
Dommett, Roy
21:9 21:183 21:184-186 21:187-189 21:241 23:51 23:53-54V 29:138-142V 30:14 30:142R-146
Dommett, Roy (?)
29:121-122V 29:122R 29:123V 29:123R-124V 29:124R-127V 29:127R-128V 29:129R-131V 29:131R-133V 29:133R-134V 29:142R-146 29:147-156V 29:156R-157V 29:157R 29:158Ar-164 29:165-168V 29:168R-169R 29:170-171Ar 29:172-173V 30:25-27 30:28 30:134-135V 30:135R-136V 30:136R-137V 30:137R-138R 30:139V-140V 30:140R-142V
Donaldson, J. W.
Douglas, George William
Douglas, J. Kenneth
Douglas, Mona
Dowson, F. W
Dowson, F. W.
Doyle, Lynn
Drabble, Phil
Drayton, Mrs.
Drinkwater, M.
Dudding, Reginald C
Duncan, J
Dunlop, Anne
Dunlop, Annie
Dunmore, Eddie
Dunmur, Ian
Dyer, T. F. T.
Dyke, William
E. B. Thomas, E. B. (?)
Eades, C. W
Earwaker, J. P.
"Earwig", M. E. C. F.
East, J. R.
"Ed". Yorkshire Garland
Eden, Horatia K. F.
"Editor, Irish Book Lover"
Edleston, Alice
Edmondston, Thomas
Edmunds, J. M.
Edwards, Anthony J
Egan, Mary
Eggar, J. Alfred
Elgee, Frank
Elliott, A.
Elliott, Susan
Ellis, Don
Ellis, Henrietta
[Ellis, Henry, Sir (Ed.)]
"Ellstonian", et al
Elworthy, F. T.
Emerson, Iona
Emslie, J. P.
Evans, -- (?)
Evans, -- (?)
Evans, E. H., Miss
Evans, Myra
Evans, Stanley
Evans, Walter
Evelyn (?), H. G.
Everett, W.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia
Eyre, Margaret
F., H.
Fairfax-Blakeborough, J.
Fallow, T. M.
Farington, Susan Marie (Ed.)
Farnell, --
Fawcett, J. W.
Fawcett, Mrs
Fellows, C. C., Mrs.
Fennemore, Mr.
Fenner, A. H
Fenton, Alexander
Fenton, Alexander (?)
Fenton, John
Fergusson, R. Menzies
Ferrars, D'Arcy
Ferris, D'Arcy
15/1:183 15/1:184 15/1:184-185 15/1:185-186 15/1:187-188 15/1:189-190 15/1:190-191 15/1:191 15/1:191-192 15/1:192 15/1:194 15/1:195-197 15/1:198-199
Ferris, D'Arcy (?)
Ferris, D'Arcy. (?)
Ferry, Hugh
Fielden, J. T.
Finny, W. E. St. Lawrence
Firestone, Melvin M.
Fisher, J.
Fisher, John
Fishwick, Henry
Fitzgerald, D.
Fitzsimmons, Joseph
Flack, W. N.
Fletcher, Anne
Fletcher, John Samuel (Ed.)
Fletcher, Tom
Flood, William H
Floyd, E.
Flwin, Verrier
Forshaw, C. F.
Forshaw, Charles F
Fosbroke, --
Foster, (Mr.?)
Fountaine, Vera M.
Fox-Strangways, Mrs.
Foxworthy, Tony
Franklin, A. H.
Frazer, J. G.
Frazer, James
Frew, Duncan
Friend, Hilderic
"From a Correspondent"
[From Our Music Critic]
Froome, --.
Froome, Derek
Fry, Plantagenet Somerset
Fuller-Maitland, J. A.
Fult (?), Denis
Furnass, Irene M. L
Furnivall, Frederick (Ed.)
G. (?), E. P. A.
G., A. G.
G., G. S.
Gailey, Alan
33:1:1 33:1:2 33:1:3 33:1:4 33:1:5 33:1:6 33:1:7 33:1:8 33:1:9 33:1:10 33:1:11 33:1:12 33:1:13 33:1:14 33:1:15 33:1:16 33:1:17 33:1:18 33:1:19 33:4:5 33:4:6
Gammon, Laura
Gardiner, Balfour
10:151-15 10:152-154 10:155-156 10:156-158 10:158-162 10:162-164 10:167-168 10:168 10:169-170 10:172-173 10:185-186 10:187-188 10:188-191
Gardiner, Rolf
Gascue, P.
Gaster, M.
Gatty, A. A.
Gatty, Ivor
3:216-225 12:101-103 12:103-105 12:105-108 12:108-110 12:110-112
Gaunt, J.
Gaythorpe, Harper
Gerish, W. B.
Gibbons, G. S
Gibbs, J. Arthur
Gibbs, Mrs.
Gibson, Hilda
Gilbert, Davies
Gilchrist, A. G.
1:2V-7R 1:284-287 3:267-272 8:132 8:133-134 8:115-116 8:116 8:116-117 8:120 8:121 8:127 8:127 8:127 8:128-129V 8:129
Gilchrist, A. G. (?)
Giles, --.
Gill, W. W.
Gill, W. Walter
Gillespie, G.
Gilliland, M. McD.
Glas, Beili
Glyde, John Jr.
Goddes, Principal (?)
Godman, Stanley
Gollancz, Israel (Ed.)
Gomme, A. B.
Gomme, G. L.
Gomme, G. L. (Ed.)
Goodwin, Frank
Goshawk, Evelyn
Gowan, John H. M. G., et al
Graham, --.
Grainge, William
Grant, N.
Gray, Howard Levi
Greasley, Misses
Green, E. R. R.
Green, Henry
Green, R
Greenland, A
Greenstreet, E. M.
Greg, --
Gregor, Walter
Greville, Charles
Grice, F.
Grice, Frederick
Griffith, George
Griffiths, James
Grimm, --
Grimm, --
Guilford, E. L.
Gullop, Rodney
Gunnison (?), Laura M.
Gurdon, Eveline Camilla
Gutch, E
Gutch, E.
6:7 6:8-16 6:16-17 7:26 7:26-27 7:27 7:27-28 7:28 7:28 7:28-29 7:31 7:31 7:34 7:35-36 7:36 7:85-86
Gutch, J. M.
H, P.
H., D.
H., E.
H., F. M.
H., J.
H., W.
H--, Hamish (?)
Hackett, William
Hackwood, Frederick W.
Hadley, G.
Hadow, G. E.
Hadow, W. H.
Hailstone, Edward
Haklut, Richard
Hale, Lionel
Hale, William
Haley, W.
Hall, S.
Hallam, W. H
Hallam, W. H.
Halliday, D. Howard
Halliwell, J. O.
Halpert, Herbert
Halpert, Herbert and G. M. Story (Eds.)
Hamer, F. B
Hamer, F. B.
Hamer, Frederick
Hamill, J. J.
Hamilton, Claud
Hamilton, John Stewart
Hammer, F. B.
Hannam-Clark, Theodore
Hanning, S. C
Happe, P.
Hard, Arnold H.
Hardcastle, J.
Hardwick, C. (Ed.)
Hardwick, Charles
Hardwick, Henry
Hargreaves, Jack
Harland, John
3:401-402 5:136 5:137 10:97-100 10:100 10:100-101 10:101 10:101-102 10:102-106 10:106 10:106-107 24:64-74
Harland, John (Comp. and Ed.)
Harman, H
Harman, H.
Harman, Lucy
Harris, Jonathan
Harris, M. D.
Harris, W. C.
Harris, W. Gregory
Harrison, Florence E.
Harrison, William
Harrod, Henry
Harry, Bernard and "Glastonbury Thorn"
Harry, Gareth C.
Hartland, E. S.
Hartland, E. Sidney
Hartland, M. E.
Hartley, Alex
Hartley, George T.
Harvey, James
Harwood, H. R.
Harwood, H. W.
Harwood, T.
Haslam, J. W.
Haugh, W. S.
Hawe, Samuel James
Hay, Daniel
Hay, John
Hay, Susan
Hay, Susan E.
Hay, Susie
Hayden, Brian
Hayden, E. G.
Hayes, Ella
Hayes, H. R.
Haynes, Black Jack (Foreman)
Hayward, Richard
Hazlitt, --.
Hazlitt, W. Carew
Head, --.
Heanley, R. M.
Hearne, --
Heley, W.
Helm Collection - Copy
Helm, Alex
1:[35V]-38R 1:326-327 1:362-383 5:I-IV 6:I-III 7:I-IV 8:I-III 9:(I)-(IV) 10:(I)-(III) 10:19-21 10:203R 11:(I)-(IV) 11:25 11:182 12:(I)-(IV) 12:26-27 12:141 12:142-143 12:144 14:1 14:2 14:31 14:38 14:40 14:41 14:42 14:45 14:56 14:57 15/1:84-86 15/1:13[9] 15/2:203-210* 15/2:216-217* 15/2:254-255 15/2:256-267 15/2:268-270V 15/2:412-413 15/2:(420) 16/1:12R 18/1:150 18/2:593-594 18/2:595-596 18/2:597-598 18/2:598a 18/2:601-605 20:1A-5 27:169 27:189-191 33:1:23 33:1:24 33:4:1 33:5:3 33:5:6 33:5:7 33:5:8 33:5:9 33:5:13 33:8:1 33:8:7 33:9:2 33:9:3 33:9:8 33:9:12
Helm, Alex (?)
15/1:19-36E 15/1:158-176 16/1:54 18/1:20-21 18/1:248R-269 25:37-63
Helm, Alex,
Helm, Sunny
Hempton, H. J.
Henderson, W.
Herring, Shelagh
Herschell, C. W.
Heslop, --.
Heywood, Oliver
Hibbert, George
Hickling, Clarice
Hicks, E.
Higginbottom, S.
Higson, John
Hill, Alonzo
Hill, B. M.
Hill, T.
Hinchcliffe, Pauline
Hinchliffe, E.
Hine, Richard
Hird, Ben
Hirschel, E. D.
Hitchings, E.
Hobson, Miss
Hodgetts, J. F.
Hoggan, Frances
Hole, Christina
1:25R-28V 2:182-183 2:235-247 9:47 10:91-92 10:92-96 10:204V 16/2:252R 20:137 20:138 30:156 33:3:1 33:7:2
Holland, K. J.
Holland, K.J
Holland, Keith
33:6:1 33:6:3 33:6:4 33:6:5 33:6:6 33:6:7 33:6:8 33:6:11 33:6:12 33:6:14 33:6:15
Holland, Norman
Holland, Robert
Hollis, E. A.
Holmes, E.
Holt, Ardern
Holton, J. C.
Hone, William
3:114-120 3:120-124 7:100 15/1:12-13 15/1:40-41 21:197-212 23:13
Hope, Arthur
Hope, R. C.
Horn, Isobel
Horne, Mr.
Horrocks, Stanley H.
Horton, H.
Howarth, Leslie
Howell, G. O. (?)
Howell, George O.
Howells, Jim
Howels (?), Rowland
Howison, D. R
18/1:90 18/1:91 18/1:93-98 18/1:196-198 18/1:271-274 18/1:277-278 18/1: 279-282 18/1:302-306 18/2:406 18/2:489-493 18/2:494 18/2:495 18/2:496 18/2:515-516 18/2:621 18/2:622-624 18/2:625-626 18/2:627 18/2:628 18/2:629 18/2:631 18/2:632-633 18/2:642 18/2:643 20:56-61 20:63-65 20:66-69 20:70 20:71-72 20:74 20:76 21:93-97 21:99
Howison, D. R.
16/1:1 16/1:13 16/1:150 16/2:306-307 16/2:342-344 18/1:35 18/1:38-40 20:62 22:[241]
Howison, D.R
Howison, Dan
Howlett, A. Eric
Howley, Mike
Huddy, C. W. T
Hudleston, Mary
Hudleston, N.
Hudleston, N. A.
Hudleston, Nigel
Hudlestone, Nigel
Hudson, --
Hudson, J. H
Hudson, J.K.
Hughes, I. J.
Hughes, T.
Hughes, T. (Ed.)
Hulme, F. E.
Hulme, J.
Humphreys, D. C.
Humphries, D. W.
Hunt, Robert
Hunter, G. H
Hunter, Joseph
[in Holland, R.].
Ingham, Alfred
Irving, Washington
Irwin, I. M. C.
Isham, Ernest
J., G. H.
J., H. T.
J., H. T., M. R. A.
J., J.
J., J. O. (?)
J., W. H.
Jacklin (?), F.
Jackson, --
Jackson, George
Jackson, John
Jackson, S.
Jackson, Sara E.
Jackson, Sarah
Jackson, T. W.
James, Louis
James, Noel
Jamieson, --.
Jarvis, A. W.
Jarvis, George O.
Jefferies, James L.
Jeffrey, A.
Jenkins, David
Jenkins, J. Geraint
Jenkins, J. Geriant
Jenkinson, A. J.
Jenner, Henry
Jewell, Andrew
Jewitt, Llewellyn
Jewitt, Llewellynn
Jewitt, W. Henry
Jim Mainland, Jim
John, Gwen
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, Clifton
Johnson, Joseph
Johnson, Richard
Johnson, T. Osborne
Johnson, William
Johnston, A. St.
Johnston, T. G.
Johnston, Wilson
Johnstone, Henry
Johnstone, Thomas
Johnstone, William
Jolby, W. H.
Jonas, M.C.
Jones, B.
Jones, David
Jones, Doris N.
Jones, Edward
Jones, John B.
Jones, S. E. V
Jones, Winifred
Jones-Evans, Eric
Jordan, R. Furneaux
Joynson, Rowland
Julius (Runcorn) [sic]
K., E.
K., E. T.
Karpeles, Maud
1:260-284 11:181 14:3-9 14:13-16 14:17-21 14:22-23 14:24-30 14:32-37 14:39 14:46-47 14:48-49 14:52 14:53 14:54-55 16/1:87R 22:203-204V 23:69-70V 23:70R-72 23:73 23:74 23:75-78 23:79-80 23:81-82 23:83 23:84 23:85-86 23:87-88 23:89-94 23:95 23:96 23:97
Karpeles, Maud (?)
Keele University
Kelly, David
Kemp, W. A. G.
Kendall, F. H.
Kendall, S. G.
Kennedy, D.
Kennedy, D. N
Kennedy, D. N.
Kennedy, J. Patrick
Kennedy, Peter
Kenyon, W. Trevor
Kerr, Samuel J.
Kerry, Charles
Kettlewell, F. B.
Kettlewell, W. R. W
Kettlewell, W. R. W.
Kidd, E. J. E.
Kidson, Frank
Kille, C.
Killegrew, --
Kimber, W.
Kimmins, G. T.
King, Cooper
King, D. W.
King, H. C.
Kirby, Mary
Kirk, Rachel L.
Kirke, John
Kirkman, --
Kite, Edward
Knight, Stanley G.
L, J. F. (?)
L., H. P.
L., J. F
L., M
L., M. S.
L., R.
L., T.
Lach-Szybma, W. S.
Lake, Carmen
Lake, H. Coote
Lamberton, Irene
Lamberton, John P.
Lane, N. M.
Lang, --
Langrick, A. E.
Lannaghan, John
Latto, W. D
Laurence, M. J. P.
Lawley, G. T.
Lawrence, Stewart
Lawrence, Stuart
22:27R-28, 22:28-29 22:30-33 22:33-34 22:34-36 22:36-39 22:39-40 22:40 22:40-43 22:43-44 22:44-48 22:48 22:77-78V
Lawson, Richard
Lawson-Tancred, E. N.
Layard, J.
Leadbetter, A. J. O.
Lean, --
Leather, E. M.
Leather, Ella Mary
Leduc, Bessie
Lee, F.
Lee, S.
Lees, Oswald
Legg, A. T
Legge, --
Leigh, --.
Leishman, J. F.
Leker, T. W.
Lemmon, Mary
Leonard, Rosemary
Lethbridge, J. C.
Letherbrow, E.
Lever, E.
Lewis, D. Craionog
Lewis, Ruth
Liddle, Laura
"Lincolnshire Lass"
Lindsay, David
Little, Thomas
Littlewood, S. R.
Lloyd, Miss
Lockhart, John Gibson
Lofthouse, Bob
Logan, W. H.
Lombard, Peter
Lone, Mary
Lones, T. E.
Long, George
Lorimer, Norma
"Lover of Shropshire, A"
"Lover of Shropshire, A"
Lowe, Barbara
Lowerison, Harry
Lowsley, B.
Lucas, E. V.
Lucas, J.
Lupton, Harry
Lutener, W.
M., A. J.
M., J.
M., J. A.
M., R.
M., S. M
M., S. M.
M., T. S.
M--, H. M.
MacAulay, A.
MacCabe, William B.
MacFie, Kathleen
MacGlynn, Lochlinn
MacIlwaine, H. C.
MacKenamn, William
MacKinley, --.
MacLure, A. Mabel
MacMichael, J. Holden
MacNamara, Margaret
MacPherson, Captain the Chevalier
MacTaggard, John
MacTaggart, John
Magowan, J. I.
Magriel, --
Maidment James
Mainland, Jim
Mainwaring, E.
Maitland, J. A. F.
Major, A. F.
Makin, T.
Malone, William
"Manchester Pythagorean, A"
Manly, John M.
Manning (?)
Manning, P.
Manning, Percy
6:53-55 6:64-66 6:66-68 6:70-72 6:72-73 6:76 6:76 6:77 6:77 6:78 6:78 6:78-79 6:81-82 6:82 7:86-87 9:59 9:59-61 9:61-62 24:165 29:119R-120R 29:128R
Mansbergh, J. F.
March, Hy. Colley
Mareton, Lady
Marie (?), J.
Marples, Harry
Marples, M.
Marriot, R. J.
Marriott, R. J.
5:42-45 11:140-142 15/2:393-394 15/2:394a 15/2:397-398 15/2:399
Marriott, Rojer
Marriott, William
Marsden, F. H.
Marsden, F.H.
Marshall, Dorothy
Marshall, John J
Marshall, Sybill (Ed.)
Martin, F. J.
Martin, John
Martin, Robinson
Martin, William
Masefield, C. J. B.
Mason, E. H
Mason, J
Mason, J.
Massingham, H. J
Massingham, H. J.
Maylam, P.
Maylam, Percy
McCaffrey, John
McCain, T. (?)
McCallen, Maurenn
McCardy, John
McCaw, Hugh
McClean, B.
McClintock, H. F.
McClintock, Robert
McConnell, A.
McConnell, Alexander
McCool, Ann
McCormick, Margaret E.
McCrae, Sam
McCrea, William A.
McDean, John Burns
McElholm, J. J.
McElwaine, P. A.
McGarrigle, Joe
McGee, J. A.
McKay, James
McLean, John Burns
McLeod, Norman
McManus, John, et al
McNeill, F. Marian
McQuaid, Charles J.
Mealor, J. K
Mee, Arthur
Megson, A. H.
Mendham, G.
Mendham, Geoffrey
Mercer, T. S
Mercer, T. S.
Merck (?), E. L.
Merton, Ambrose
Meschke, --
Metcalfe, G.
Meynell, Rosemary
"Middle Templar"
Middleton, --
Middleton, Alderman T.
Middleton, T.
Middleton, Thomas
Miles, --
Miller, Francis A.
Miller, Joe
Miller, William
Millican, Jonathan
Mills, C
Millward, Thomas
Milne, F. A.
Milner, --.
Milner, George
Milner, Lillie F.
Mitchell, J. R.
Mitchell, Kathleen
Moens, S. M.
Monaghan, Brian A.
Montgomery, Robert H.
Moore, A. W.
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Alfred S.
Moorhouse, Sydney
Moorman, F. W.
Moreton, T. W. E
Moreton, T. W. E.
Morgan, B. S.
Morgan, Mrs.
Morkler-Ferryman (?), A. F.
"Morris Dancer"
Morris, Oliver
Morris, William
Morrison, --
Morton, F. H.
Morton, Robin
Mosley, James
Moss, Fletcher
Mothersole, Jessie
Moutiturs (?), Oscar
Muirhead, J. S.
Mulholland, James
Mullenhof, K.
Mullin Patrick
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Michael J
Murphy, Michael J.
Murray, A. Gregory
Murray, Margaret A.
Musgrave, Frances
Musters, Chaworth, Mrs.
Mycroft, Kathleen
Mycroft, Kathleen M.
Myres, Dr.
Myres, M. W.
N., F. A.
N., F. H. R. G.
N., J. G.
N., R. E. I
Naithi, an Brathair
Narch, M. K. Chisendale
Nares, --
Neal, Mary
Neal, Miss
Needham, J.
Needham, Joseph
Neenan, Marian
Neenan, Marian (?)
Nelson, Bob
Nevinson, Evelyn Sharp
Newall, Venetia
Newall, W. A.
Newman, Ethel
Newman, Leslie F.
Nicholls, J.
Nichols, John (?)
Nichols, John Gough
Nichols, John Gough (Ed.)
Nicholson, Albert
Nicholson, E. W. B.
Nicholson, John
Nicol, E. F.
Nicol, E. J.
Nicol, James
Nicol, Jean
Nimmo, William
Niven, W.
Nixon, Ed.
Noak, John
Noake, John
Nodal, --.
Nodal, John H.
Nolf, Norkein
Norgrove, Mrs.
"North Country Man, A"
North, Kyles
Noyes, Ruth
Nurse, Ron
Nutt, Alfred
Nuttall, L.
O' Heochaid, Sean
O' Lochlainn, Colm
O., T. N.
O'Brien, Art
O'Brien, F. Morrough
O'Brien, John J.
O'Connor, Norreys Jephson
O'Donnell, John C.
Ogden, B. L.
Ogden, J
Ogden, J.
Ogden, J. N.
Ogden, James
O'Keefe, J. G.
O'Kennedy, Leon
"Old Nunkey"
Oldacres, W. D., et al
Oldknow, Mr.
Oliver, Edith
Oliver, Edith and Margaret K. S. Edwards (Ed.)
Oliver, Edith and Margaret K. S. Edwards (Eds.)
O'Lochlainn, Colm
O'Lochlainn, Colm (?)
Opie, Iona
Ordish, T. Fairman
2:220-224 3:177-178 6:49-51 6:143-144 7:149-151 8:98-102 21:6 24:106-108 24:109V-109R 24:115-117V
Ordish, T. Fairman (?)
Ormerod, Frank
Ormerod, G.
Osmond, Melbury
O'suilleabhain, Sean
Oswald, Arthur
O'Toole, Edward
O'Toole, Henry
O'Toole, Mr.
Ouighley, F. J.
"Our Special Correspondent, No. 2"
Owen, Carter
Owen, H.
Owen, Trefor M.
Owen, Trefor W.
"Oxfordshire Man, An"
P., N. (?)
P., P.
P., S. L.
Paddick, F. I.
Padgett, Anthony
Page, Mrs.
Palgrave, F. M. T.
Palmer (?), Roy
Palmer, C. J.
Palmer, E. K., et al
Palmer, R. E.
Palmer, Roy
Palmer, Roy (?)
Parish, W. D
Parish, W. D.
Parke, M.
Parker, J. J
Parker, Margaret
Parkin, Matthias
Parle (?), Nicholas
Parle, Mick
Parnham, William.
Partridge, J. B.
Pascoe, W. Arthur
Pashley, Emily
Pasquin, Anthony
Paton, C. I.
Patterson, Beatrice
Patterson, Clara M
Payen-Payne, De V.
Peacock Mabel
Peacock, --.
Peacock, A. J.
Peacock, Beddoes
Peacock, Edward (Ed.)
Peacock, Mabel
5:146-150 6:1-3 6:3-5 6:5-7 6:8-16 6:16-17 6:17-18 6:46-47 10:12-18
Peacock, N.
Peacock, N. (?)
Peacock, Norman
8:42-46 9:83-84 12:14V 15/1:90-93 15/1:116-125 20:21-22V 21:118 21:176-177 29:78 30:118-119V 33:5:10 33:5:13
Peacock, Norman (?)
Peacock, Norman.
Pearce, Mary
Pearman, Norah M
Pearson, C.
Peate, Iorwerth C.
Peate, Iowerth C.
Peck, Arthur L.
Pedley, E. J
Pegge, S.
Pengelly, William
Peppler, S.
Percival, E.
Percy, Thomas
Perry, Elsie M.
Peter, T.
Peter, Thurston C.
Petrie, Winifred M.
Pharos, John
Philip, Kathleen
Phillip, Kathleen
Phillips, Ambrose (Ed.)
Phillips, George L.
Phillips, T. C.
Pickford, John
Piesse, G. W. S.
Piggott, S.
Pike, Causey (Pseud.)
Pilling Collection
Pilling, Julian
18/1:171 18/1:194-195 18/1:283-285 18/1:286-288 18/1:289 18/1:290-291 18/1:292-296 18/1:297 18/1:298-299 18/1:300 18/1:301 18/1:316-320 18/2:417 18/2:431-441 18/2:443 18/2:444 18/2:445 18/2:478 18/2:479 18/2:482 18/2:484 18/2:485 18/2:486-488 18/2:557 18/2:558-561 18/2:562-563 18/2:564 18/2:570 18/2:571 18/2:572-574 18/2:575-576 18/2:578 18/2:581 18/2:582 18/2:583 18/2:584 18/2:634 18/2:635-637 18/2:638-639 18/2:640-641 18/2:644-645 18/2:646 21:84 21:85 21:86 21:89-90 21:90A 21:91-92 21:100 21:101 21:103-104 21:133 21:133A 21:134 21:135 21:141 21:143 21:144 21:149 21:150 21:238 21:242 21:243 21:244 21:245 21:246 21:247 22:223 22:224 30:180-181V 30:181R-183 33:9:9
Pilling, Julian and James Mainland
Pilling, Julian, and D. R. Howison
Pinkerton, --
Pinto, Eva R.
Platt, James
Playfair, Marjorie
Pliver, Edith and Margaret K. S. Edwards (Eds.)
Plot, R.
Plot, Robert
Plunkett, Mervyn
Plutarch, --
Poole, C. H.
Porter, Bertha M.
Porter, Enid M
Porter, Jane (Ed.)
Porter, John
Porter, St.
Postlethwaite, -. N.
Postlethwaite, I. N.
Postlethwaite, T. N
Potter, Louisa M.
Powell, Joseph
Prevost, --.
Price, J. W.
Price, John Edward
Prince, F.
"Pro Bono Publico"
Procter, Richard Wright
Protheroe, A. M.
Pullinger, W.
Purvis, J. S.
Quinn, Joseph
R., F.
R., M
R., M.
R., T. G.
Radford, Arthur
Raines, F. R. (Ed.)
Ramsden, E. A.
Rankin, M. M.
Rasch, Blanche F
Ratcliffe, Thomas
5:49 5:53-54 5:54 5:55-56 5:107 7:120-121 7:148 8:88 12:97-98 18/2:547
Raven, Michael and Jon (Eds.)
Rawnsley, E. F.
Rawson, M. C.
Raymond, Walter
Raynbird, Hugh
Raynbird, William
Reachtain, Liam Mag
Read, Charles
Read, D. H. Mountray
Redmond, S.
Redpath, W. J. G.
Reid, Cecil J.
Reid, Colin
Reid, J.
Reid, Lois
Reilly, Pat
Rhodes, R. Crompton
Rhys, Ernest
Richards, D. F.
Richardson, Alex
Richardson, C. (?)
Richardson, Ethel M.
Richardson, M. A
Rimbault, Edward F.
Rippingale, F. G. W.
Ritson, Joseph
Robert, William (?)
Roberts, E. H
Roberts, E. H.
Roberts, Gomer M.
Roberts, Peter
Roberts, W.
Roberts, W. H.
Roberts, Will
Roberts, William (Nefydd)
Robertson, William
Robins, A. T.
Robinson, C. Clough
Robinson, Jennifer
21:223-224 22:226 22:227-230 22:231-234 23:129 30:61 33:1:32 33:1:33
Robinson, Jennifer (?)
"Roddy the Rover"
Roe, Helen M.
Roeder, C.
Roedr, Charles
Rogers, Margaret
Rogers, Mrs.
Rolston, G. R.
Rose, Walter
Rossiter, A. P.
Rouse, W. H. D.
Row, T.
Roweli, G. A.
Rowell, G. A.
3:161-166 15/1:147-148B 24:134V-141 29:114 29:115-116V 29:119V-119R
Royles, William
Rudkin, E. H.
12:125-127 12:127-130 12:130-132 22:98 22:109-112 22:117-122 22:123 22:124-125 22:192R 22:205 23:11-12 23:13-15 23:15 23:15-16 23:31 23:34-36 23:36 23:{128V-R} 23:128R 24:13 24:14-17 28:2 33:3:9 33:3:10
Rudkin, Ethel H.
Ruffler, F. D
Russell, Constance
Russell, Rex
Russell, S.
Russell, Sid
Rutter, Miss
Rye, David G
S, J. W.
S., F
S., F.
S., H. J.
S., I. B.
S., J. B.
S., J. M.
S., W.
S., W. S. L.
Salisbury, Jesse
Sanderson, George W.
Sandys, W. ("Uncle Jan Trenoodle")
Sandys, William
Sargent, Maud E.
Sarll, C. F
Saunders, L. E
Saunders, R.
Savage, J.
Savage, M.
Savage, Richard
Savage, S.
Savours, Ann
Sawyer, F. E.
Sawyer, Frederick E.
Sawyer, Frederick Ernest
Schmidt, Leopold (Ed.)
Schofield, R. K
Schofield, R.K
Schofield, Sim.
Scholfield, G
Scott, David
Scott, Grace
Scott, Hardiman
Scott, John Young
Scott, Joseph
Scott, Lady John
Scott, Walter
Sedley, Stephen
Seltman, Charles
"Sempex Paratis"
Shakespeare, William
Shannon, Josephine
Sharp Collection
Sharp, Cecil
2:195 2:196-198 2:198-204 2:204-209 2:209 2:209-210 2:210-212 2:212-214 2:1-17 4:11-12 9:85 9:86 9:87 9:88 9:88 9:89 9:89 9:90-92 9:93-94 9:98 9:98B-98C 11:30 11:31 11:36 11:38 11:45 11:50 11:50 11:51 11:51 11:52 11:52 11:53 11:53 11:54 11:54-55 11:65-69 11:142-153 11:154 11:154 11:156 11:156 11:157 11:157-158 11:158 11:158-159 11:159 11:159 12:15R 12:15R-19 12:19-22 12:33 12:33-34 12:34-35 12:43-69 12:81-96 15/1:44-50 15/1:52-63 15/1:67 15/1:70-73 15/1:74-75 15/1:78-79 15/1:79 15/1:79-81 15/1:81-82 15/1:82-83 15/1:87 15/1:97-103 15/1:103-108 15/2:414-415 15/2:416-417 16/2:345-346 16/2:347-350 16/2:351-364 16/2:365-375 16/2:376-379 16/2:380-384 16/2:385 16/2:386 16/2:387-390 16/2:391-394 16/2:395 16/2:396 16/2:397-398 16/2:399-402 16/2:428-430 16/2:431-433 16/2:434-442 16/2:443-446 16/2:447 16/2:448-450 16/2:451-452 16/2:453-457 16/2:458-463 16/2:464-466 16/2:467 16/2:468-472 16/2:473-478 16/2:479-483 16/2:484-486 16/2:501R-511 16/2:512-515 18/1:10-17 18/1:17 18/1:17-19 18/1:65 18/1:126-146 23:65-68 29:18 29:19 29:40 29:49A/49D
Sharp, Faith
Sharp, R. J
Sharp, R. J.
11:69-71 11:71-73 11:73-76 11:78 11:78-80 11:85 11:85 11:86 11:122-123 27:11
Sharp, R. J. (?)
Sharp, Thomas
Sharpe, Cuthbert
Shaw, George
Shaw, W. F.
Shepherd, Marjorie
Sheridan, George
Sheridan, K.
Shields, Hugh
Shipley, J. W.
Shipley, W.
Shipley. William J.
Shore, T. W.
Shortt, H. De S.
Shuttleworth, James P. Kay
Siddall, J. S.
Sikes, Wirt
Simons, S. F.
Simpson, B.
Sisson, C. J.
Skillen, G. W.
Skinner, Stella
Slaby (?), W. A.
Sleigh, J.
Sleigh, John
Sloan, Charles
Slocombe, Marie
Smith, A. H. S.
Smith, Alan
Smith, C. Roach
Smith, G. C. Moore
Smith, Georgina
Smith, Henry
Smith, Josiah
Smith, L. Poulmin
Smith, M. H.
Smith, Michael J.
Smith, Paul
Smith, Paul and Georgina (with Frank Sutton)
Smith, Sidney
Snell, F. J.
Snell, F.J
Snowden, Keighley
Soames, --
Soane, G.
"South Wales Antiquary"
"South Wales Antiquary"
"South Wales Antiquary"
South, D. A.
South, D. H.
Southern, David
Speaight, George
"Special Correspondent"
Speers, Hugh
"St. George"
"Staffordshire Reader, A"
Stancliffe, Elizabeth A.
Standing, Percy Cross (Ed.)
Stanley, A. P.
Stansfield, Abraham
Stapleton, Bryan, Mrs.
Stapleton, M. H. A.
Starling, Colman C.
Starling, Colman S.
Steel, J. W.
Steele, Robert W.
Sternberg, Thomas
Stevens, Dorothy E.
Stevens, H. Beresford
Stevens, Joseph
Stevenson, K. L. (?)
Stevenson, K. M
Stevenson, Kathleen
Stinson, James
Stokoe, John
Story, G. M.
Stretch, Ian L.
Strode, William
Strombach, Dag
Stromberg, W. W.
Strutt, Joseph
Sturdy, Lillian
Sullivan, J.
Sutherland, James M.
Sutton, J. S.
Swailes, J. W.
Swindells, T. (?)
Swithin, St.
Sykes, Paul
Sylvester, Dorothy
T. E. Lones, T. E.
T., A.
T., A. R.
T., E.
T., G.
T., H. G. B.
T., N. W.
T., T. B.
Tanner, C.
Taplin, J. A.
Tattersall, William
Tavare, Fred L.
Taye, Joseph
Taylor, --.
Taylor, A. L.
Taylor, Antoinette
Taylor, D.
Taylor, F. C.
Taylor, Jane M.
Taylor, Kate
Taylor, W. A.
Tebbutt, C. F.
Tennant, Pamela
Tetley, J. A. (?)
Thom, William
Thomas Q.
Thomas, A. J.
Thomas, F. C.
Thomas, J. E.
Thomas, M. E.
Thomas, Mary E.
Thomason, Ian
Thomason, J.
Thompson, J.
Thompson, T.
Thoms, --
Thomson William
Thorold, Bonham-Carter
Thorold, Brodie
Thurston, Peter
Tiddy, R. J. E.
Timbs, John
Timmins, Celia
Tinkler, John
Tipping, H. J.
Titchener, Horace
Tod, D. A. N.
Todd, S.
Tomlinson, G. W.
Tomlinson, O. S.
Tongue, R. L
Tongue, R. L.
Tongue, Ruth L
Tongue, Ruth L.
Tooley, Sarah A.
Tooley, Sarah H.
Torrens, Samuel
Toye, Joseph
Tracey, L. Patricia
Trapp, Douglas
Travare, F. L
Traynor, Francis J.
Troutbeck, John
True, Bartle J. L.
Tucker, A. R.
Tudor, Alice M.
Tunney, Paddy
Tunstall, Beatrice
Tunstall, Beatrice.
Turley, Edna
Turner, J.
Turner, Mary Vane
Turner, R.
Tutt, Miss
Tyler, Thomas E.
Tylor, --
Udal, J. S.
Ullathorne, J.
Upcott, William
Upton, Margaret
Uttley, Alison
V., J.
Vaux, J. E.
Vergil, Polydore
Vick, Edith
Vincent, C.
W., E. M.
W., J.
W., W. H.
W.-J., B.
Wadham, G. H.
Wainwright, Joel
Walcott, MacKenzie E. C.
Waldron, F. G. (Ed. and Notes)
Waldron, F. G. (Ed.)
Walford, E
Walker, Coulter
Walker, Donald
Walker, Gracie
Walker, Gwynyth
Walker, William
Wall, E
Wall, E.
Wall, Emily
Wallace, Hugh R.
Wallace, R. H.
Wallis, J.
Walsh, Michael
Walsh, Sadie
Ward, G.
Ward, M.
Wardley, Priscilla
Ware, Edwin
Warriner, F.
Warsop, E.
Watney, Helen E.
Waugh, E.
Wears (?), E. H
Webb, Fred
Webb, G. E. C
Wedgbury, Brian
Wedgbury, Brian C.
Wedgewood, Miss
Wedgwood, C. V.
Welch, Charles E., Jr.
Wells, Billy
Wells, Leslie E.
Wells, William
Welsford, Enid
Welti, David
Wentworth, Philip
West, Paul
Whatmore, A. W.
Wheeldon, J. L.
Wheeler, D
Whitaker, Thomas Dunham
Whitcombe, H. P.
White, J. Harrop
White, Walter
Whiteside, Edith
Whitfield, B.
Whiting, C. E. (Ed.)
Whitlock, Ralph
Whittaker, --
Whittaker, George
Whittle, Neroli
Whitworth, M.
Wickham, Glynne
Widdowson, J. D. A.
Widnall, S. P.
Wigan, Cecelia M.
Wilde, Lady
Wilkins, --
Wilkinson, R. F.
3:471-476 3:496-501 3:501-505 3:505-509 3:509-516 3:524-529 3:529-534
Wilkinson, T. T.
3:401-402 5:136 5:137 10:97-100 10:100 10:100-101 10:101 10:101-102 10:102-106 10:106 10:106-107 24:64-74
Willan, Robert
William, --
William, Alfred
William, R.
Williams, --
Williams, A.
Williams, A. R.
Williams, Alfred
10:70-72 10:72-73 15/1:42-44V 15/1:133a 18/2:377-378 20:24R 21:22A-26
Williams, Alfred (?)
[Williams, John]
Williamson, Edward
Williamson, Smith
Williamson, William
Willis, Joseph H
Willis, Joseph H.
Wilson, Edward Meryon
Wilson, J
Wilson, J.
Wilson, John
Wiltshire, F. H
Wiltshire, F. H.
Wodhams, John R.
Wolfram, Richard
2:422-435 9:63-66 9:66-70 9:76-81 20:125R-129V 20:129R-133V 22:138-153 29:64-71
Wood, Alan
Wood, Bernard
Wood, G. Bernard
Wood, James
Wood, Melusine
Wood, R.
Woodgate, Alice
Woodhouse, Grace (?)
Woodley, George
Woods, Dorothy
Wortley, Russell
9:48-49 15/1:4-7 15/1:37 15/1:38V 15/1:38V 15/1:38V 15/1:38V 15/1:39V 18/2:430-431 20:29-30V 23:32-33V 23:33R 33:7:3
Wray, L. M.
Wright, --
Wright, A. R.
Wright, John
Wright, Joseph
Wright, Joseph (Ed.)
Wright, P. E.
Wright, Thomas
Wroe, L.
"X. Y. Z."
X., V. I
X., V. I.
Y., S.
Y., T. S.
Yea, George (?)