12:(I)-(IV) - [Helm Typed Index to Contents of Notebook 12]

Author: Helm, Alex
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: --
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: --

12:1 - Sawtry, Hunts., Christmas Morris Dance, Performed C. 1900

Author: Tebbutt, C. F.
Title: Tebbutt Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Alconbury; --
Notes: From J. R. Garood
Date: --
Content: Text
Refs: not used

12:2 - Midsomer Norton, Somerset, Dancing

Author: Holland, K. J.
Title: Holland Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; July 24, 1956
Notes: "Per EFDSS, 24.7.56"
Date: 1956
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:3-6 - Appendix I, Lists of Locations (Up to 16.VI.1956)

Author: Cawte, E. C.
Title: Cawte Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; July 26, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:7 - The Lancashire and Cheshire "Carnival Morris" and the Mobberley Morris Dance

Author: Bentley, Bernard
Title: Bentley Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: "Intended for 'Collectors' Corner'"
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: ICD

12:9-10 - The Jolly Boys' Song, Westmorland

Author: Bibby, Mrs.
Title: Bibby Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Ambleside; July 17, 1956
Notes: From Miss Anderson
Date: 1956
Content: Text
Refs: not used

12:10 - [Helm Notes on Lymm, Cheshire, Horse Head and Rushbearing]

Author: Julius (Runcorn) [sic]
Title: "The Horse's Head--Rushbearing"
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: 1:1 (1850), 258-59
Notes: --
Date: 1850
Content: --
Refs: ICD; RAD

12:11-12 - Christmas Rhymers, Ireland

Author: Byers, John W.
Title: Sayings, Proverbs and Humours of Ulster
Journal: --
Imprint: Belfast: Wm. Strain and Sons, 1904, pp.28-31
Notes: --
Date: 1904
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:13-14V - [Helm Notes on Nidderdale, W. Yorks., Sword Dance]

Author: Lucas, J.
Title: Studies in Nidderdale
Journal: --
Imprint: London: n.d.[1882], pp.45
Notes: --
Date: 1882
Content: --
Refs: ICD

12:14V - [Copy of Letter to -- from Peacock on Meeting in Leeds]

Author: Peacock, Norman
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: Leeds; July 20, 1953
Notes: Repeated on pp.15V
Date: 1953
Content: --

12:14R-15V - [Helm Notes on Muker, N. Yorks., Pace-Egg and Awd Roy]

Author: Cooper, E.
Title: "Muker"
Journal: The Dalesman
Imprint: -- (1948), 84
Notes: --
Date: 1948
Content: Text
Refs: not used

12:15R - Gloucestershire Mummers' Greeting

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Dec. 30, 1908
Notes: Folk Words Vol. 11, pp.1897-98
Date: 1908
Content: --

12:15R-19 - [7 Morris Dances]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; 1909
Notes: All from Folk Words Vol. 12; "the Black Joker"; "the Buffoon"; "Bumpus; Maid of the Mill"; "Old Mother Oxford"; "Shepherd's Hey; Constant Billy"
Date: 1909
Content: Dances

12:19-22 - [6 Morris Dances]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: All from Folk Words Vol. 13; Pop Goes the Weasel"; "Brimfield"; "Wedbley; Figure 8 (Swansea Hornpipe)"; "Figure 8 (Shepherd's Hornpipe)"; "Shooting
Date: --
Content: Dances

12:23 - [Helm Notes on Letter to N. Peacock from Harwood on Yorks. Pace-Egg]

Author: Harwood, H. R.
Title: Peacock Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Aug. 2, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:23-25-27 - [Letter to N. Peacock from Tyler on Yorks. Pace-Egg]

Author: Tyler, Thomas E.
Title: Peacock Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; July 18, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:26-27 - Rushbearing - Uppermill - Yorks

Author: Helm, Alex
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Aug. 7, 1956
Notes: Collected from Mr. Schofield, 73
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:27 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Standard
Imprint: May 1, 1926
Notes: --
Date: 1926
Content: --
Refs: --

12:28 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushcarts]

Author: Beaumont, B.
Title: A Business Woman's Journal
Journal: --
Imprint: --, n.d.
Notes: This and Following 11 Items Are from Notes Made by Alan Roughley in Oldham Reference Library
Date: n.d.
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:28 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushcarts]

Author: Bradbury, Joseph
Title: Saddleworth Sketches
Journal: --
Imprint: Oldham: Hirst and Rennie, 1871
Notes: --
Date: 1871
Content: --
Refs: ICD; ERD

12:28-29 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushcarts]

Author: --
Title: "Sketches from Clay Broo'"
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 29, 1896
Notes: --
Date: 1896
Content: --
Refs: --

12:29 - [Helm Notes on Newton Heath Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: "Rushbearing at Newton Heath"
Journal: Manchester Courier
Imprint: Aug. 20, 1875
Notes: --
Date: 1875
Content: --
Refs: --

12:29 - [Helm Notes on Middleton Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 25, 1853
Notes: --
Date: 1853
Content: --
Refs: --

12:29 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Sept. 1, 1855
Notes: --
Date: 1855
Content: --
Refs: --

12:29-30 - [Helm Notes on Saddleworth Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 30, 1862
Notes: --
Date: 1862
Content: --
Refs: --

12:30 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Sept. 5, 1863
Notes: --
Date: 1863
Content: --
Refs: --

12:30 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 27, 1864
Notes: --
Date: 1864
Content: --
Refs: --

12:30 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Sept. 3, 1864
Notes: --
Date: 1864
Content: --
Refs: --

12:30-31 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: Bateson, H.
Title: "Oldham Rushbearing"
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 25, 1938
Notes: --
Date: 1938
Content: --
Refs: --

12:31 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Aug. 25, 1900
Notes: --
Date: 1900
Content: --
Refs: --

12:31 - [Helm Notes on Oldham Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Standard
Imprint: Sept. 3, 1874
Notes: --
Date: 1874
Content: --
Refs: --

12:31 - [Helm Notes on Saddleworth Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Express
Imprint: Aug. 29, 1868
Notes: --
Date: 1868
Content: --
Refs: --

12:31 - [Helm Notes on Moston Rushbearing]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: Sept. 5, 1868
Notes: --
Date: 1868
Content: --
Refs: --

12:32 - [Helm Notes on Rushcart Photos, Oldham]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Oldham Chronicle
Imprint: --, 1926
Notes: --
Date: 1926
Content: --
Refs: --

12:32 - [Helm Notes on Wainfleet Guisers]

Author: Heanley, R. M.
Title: Saga Book of the Viking Club, Vol. III, Pt. 1
Journal: --
Imprint: London: the Viking Club, 1901
Notes: --
Date: 1901
Content: --
Refs: ICD; ERD

12:33 - [Helm Notes on Flyde Morris]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: Folk Dances Vol. 1, pp.4; from Emily Kemp
Date: --
Content: Text

12:33-34 - [Helm Notes on Morris]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Banbury; --
Notes: Folk Dances Vol. 1, pp.7; from James E. Brailey
Date: --
Content: Songs

12:34-35 - [Helm Notes on Brackley Morris]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: Folk Dances Vol. 1, pp.9; from W. Potts; List of Dances Performed At Brackley
Date: Banbury; --
Content: --

12:35 - Buiz De La Villemarque - from Barsaz - Ann Alike (Shepherd's Call)

Author: Taylor, --.
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; April 16, 1908
Notes: "Mr. Taylor's English Edn. - Title Given As Shepherd's Hey and Shepherd's Call - L.E.B."; Folk Dances Vol. 1, pp.13
Date: 1908
Content: --

12:36-37 - The Green Man

Author: Casimir, Paul
Title: Casimir Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: "Intended for, Collector's Corner'"
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:37A-37B - Great Wyrley, Staffs., Play

Author: Everett, W.
Title: Everett Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Aug. 22, 1956
Notes: "From a Patient in the Mental Hospital (61)"
Date: 1956
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:37B - [Helm Notes on Fritillary Wake, Wheaton Aston, Staffs.]

Author: Hartley, George T.
Title: Some Notes on the Parish of Lapley-Cum-Wheaton-Aston in the County of Stafford
Journal: --
Imprint: --, 1912
Notes: --
Date: 1912
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:37C-37D - The Sword Dances of Northumberland and Durham

Author: Cawte, E. C.
Title: Cawte Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: --
Date: --
Content: --

12:37E-37F - The Tar Barrel Play

Author: Peacock, N.
Title: Peacock Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: --
Date: --
Content: --

12:37G-37H - The Green Man

Author: Casimir, Paul
Title: Casimir Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: --
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:38-41 - May Day, Benefield, Northants

Author: Mycroft, Kathleen M.
Title: Mycroft Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Aug. 10, 1956
Notes: "Received 10.8.56"
Date: 1956
Content: Song
Refs: not used

12:42 - [Helm Notes on Lancs. Morris]

Author: G., A. G.
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Nov. 20, 1906
Notes: Folk Dance Vol. 1, pp.14
Date: 1906
Content: --

12:42 - [Helm Notes on Various Dances]

Author: G., A. G.
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --; Nov 10, Dec. 16, 1906
Notes: Anne Gilchrist?
Date: 1906
Content: --
Refs: --

12:43-69 - [Extracts from Cecil Sharp Mss. Folk Dances Vol. I]

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; 1907-8
Notes: Maypole; Gloucester; Cheltenham; Hobby Horse; Sowerby Bridge; Bledington; Buxton; Winster; Milton-Under-Winchwood; Brackley; Bampton; Blackwell; Leighfield; Lower Swell; Ilmington; Naunton; Withington; Northleach; Longhope; Mayhill; Ruardean; Bledington; Peopleton; Aston; Brackley; Chipping Campden; Brimfield; Bledington; Yardley Gobion; Eynsham; Abingdon; Blackwell; Spelsbury; Kirtlington; Blackwell; Ilmington
Date: 1907-8
Content: Songs

12:70-77 - Andover, Hants., Mummers' Play

Author: Berry, C. J.
Title: "Mummers' Play is a Relic of Mediaevalism"
Journal: Andover Advertiser and Northern Hants. Gazette
Imprint: Jan. 2, 1953, pp.3B-F
Notes: --
Date: 1953
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:77 - [Helm Notes on Charlemagne the Colossus]

Author: Wedgwood, C. V.
Title: "Charlemagne: from the Hammer to the Cross" (Review)
Journal: Daily Telegraph and Morning Post
Imprint: Aug. 3, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:77-80 - Andover and Longparish Mummers

Author: Cawte, A. C.
Title: Cawte Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Andover; Aug. 8, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: Text; Diagrams; Song; Music

12:81-96 - Extracts from Sharp, Folk Dances, Vol. I

Author: Sharp, Cecil
Title: Sharp Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: Toddeham Morris; Brailes; Whatcot; Chipping Campden; Longborough; North Leigh; Ducklington; Stillington (Yorks.) Sword Dance; Kirkby Malzead; Flail Dance; Ilmington; Clifford's Mesne Morris;Mayhill; Sword Dances; Earsdon; Winlaton; Kirkby Malzead; Pillerton; Headington; Corn Exchange; Field Town; Flamborough; Majorca
Date: --
Content: Song

12:97 - [Helm Notes on W. Yorks., Derbys., Peace Egg]

Author: Cox, J. Charles
Title: "The Peace Egg"
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: 5:4 (1875), 511
Notes: --
Date: 1875
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:97-98 - [Helm Notes on Worksop, Notts., Darby Tup]

Author: Ratcliffe, Thomas
Title: "Christmas-Tup"
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: Ser. 9, 2 (1898), 511
Notes: 98V Has Copy of N. Peacock Letter of 20-7-53 Included Twice Earlier in Helm Notebooks
Date: 1898
Content: Song
Refs: RAD

12:98-99 - [Helm Notes on Sussex Tipteers]

Author: Sawyer, Frederick E.
Title: "Sussex Tipteerers' Play"
Journal: Folk-Lore Journal
Imprint: 2:1 (1884), 1-8
Notes: --
Date: 1884
Content: Song
Refs: ERD

12:99 - [Helm Notes on Boosebeck and Lingdale, N. Yorks., Sword Dance]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: --
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: --

12:99 - [Helm Notes on Hemsworth, W. Yorks., Old Tup]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: Ser. 9, 2 (1898), 348
Notes: --
Date: 1898
Content: --
Refs: --

12:99 - [Helm Notes on Kingsclere, Hants., Mummers]

Author: Broadwood, L. E.
Title: English Traditional Songs and Carols
Journal: --
Imprint: London: Boosey and Co., 1908, pp.78, 122
Notes: --
Date: 1908
Content: --
Refs: ERD

12:100 - [Helm Notes on Alderley, Preston, Manchester, Mylor Mumming]

Author: Brown, F. Gordon
Title: --
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: Ser. 12, -- (1916), 481
Notes: --
Date: 1916
Content: --
Refs: --

12:100 - [Helm Notes on Preston Play]

Author: Peter, T.
Title: --
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: Ser. 12, -- (1916), 390
Notes: --
Date: 1916
Content: --
Refs: --

12:100 - [Helm Notes on Alderley Play]

Author: Bowes, A.
Title: --
Journal: Notes and Queries
Imprint: Ser. 12, 1 (1916), 393
Notes: --
Date: 1916
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:101-103 - Otterbourne, Hants., Mummers' Play

Author: Gatty, Ivor
Title: "The Eden Collection of Mumming Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 59 (1948), 16-19
Notes: Rpt. C. Yonge, "the Christmas Mummers" (1858); Eden Collection
Date: 1948
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:103-105 - Rickity Rout

Author: Gatty, Ivor
Title: "The Eden Collection of Mumming Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 59 (1948), 19-21
Notes: Eden Collection
Date: 1948
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:105-108 - Staffordshire Mumming Play

Author: Gatty, Ivor
Title: "The Eden Collection of Mumming Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 59 (1948), 23-26
Notes: Eden Collection
Date: 1948
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:108-110 - Two Mumming Songs

Author: Gatty, Ivor
Title: "The Eden Collection of Mumming Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 59 (1948), 27-29
Notes: Eden Collection
Date: 1948
Content: Songs
Refs: ERD

12:110-112 - Broadwell, Oxon., Mummers' Play

Author: Gatty, Ivor
Title: "The Eden Collection of Mumming Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 59 (1948), 32-34
Notes: Eden Collection; from MS. E. Isham
Date: 1948
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:112 - Garland Song, May Day, Benefield, Northants

Author: Mycroft, Kathleen
Title: Mycroft Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: Song; Music
Refs: not used

12:113-115 - [Helm Notes on Letter to Ian Dunmur from Cawte on Sheffield Morris]

Author: Cawte, E. C.
Title: Dunmur Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; May 2, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:115-118 - [Helm Notes on Letter to A. C. Cawte from Dunmur on Sheffield Morris]

Author: Dunmur, Ian
Title: Cawte Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; July 27, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: Music

12:118 - [Helm Notes on Mummers]

Author: Jarvis, A. W.
Title: "Old English Customs"
Journal: The Pall Mall Magazine
Imprint: 28 (Sept.-Dec. 1902), --
Notes: --
Date: 1902
Content: Text
Refs: not used

12:118 - [Helm Notes on May Day]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Middlesex County Times
Imprint: May 5, 1894, pp.3, 6
Notes: --
Date: 1894
Content: --
Refs: --

12:119 - [Helm Notes on May Day]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: Ealing Gazette and West Middlesex Observer
Imprint: May 6, 1899, pp.4
Notes: --
Date: 1899
Content: --
Refs: --

12:119-121 - Buckland, Berks., Mumming Play

Author: Niven, W.
Title: "Folklore in Berkshire"
Journal: The Home Counties Magazine
Imprint: 5:118 (1903), 120-22
Notes: --
Date: 1903
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:122-124 - [Helm Notes on May Day As Sweeps' Day]

Author: Phillips, George L.
Title: "May-Day is Sweeps' Day"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 60:1 (1949), 217-27
Notes: --
Date: 1949
Content: Text
Refs: JIG

12:125-127 - Carlton-Le-Moorland Plough Play, Lincolnshire

Author: Rudkin, E. H.
Title: "Lincolnshire Plough Plays"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 50 (1939), 88-92
Notes: Performed in 1934
Date: 1939
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:127-130 - Digby, Lincs., Plough Boy's Play

Author: Rudkin, E. H.
Title: "The Plough Boy's Play"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 50 (1939), 92-97
Notes: --
Date: 1939
Content: Text
Refs: not used

12:130-132 - Willoughton, Lincs., Plough Jack's Play

Author: Rudkin, E. H.
Title: "The Plough Jack's Play"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 50 (1939), 291-94
Notes: --
Date: 1939
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:133 - [Helm Notes on Morris, Hobby Horse, Derbs.]

Author: Jewitt, Llewellyn
Title: "On Ancient Customs and Sports of Derbyshire"
Journal: Journal of the British Archaeological Association
Imprint: 8 (1853), --
Notes: --
Date: 1853
Content: --
Refs: ICD

12:133 - [Helm Notes on Rushing, Green Bower, Derbys.]

Author: Irving, Washington
Title: Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
Journal: --
Imprint: London: Murray, 1835, pp.165
Notes: --
Date: 1835
Content: --

12:133-134 - [Helm Notes on Buxton Well-Flowering, Maypole Dancing]

Author: Chambers, Robert
Title: The Book of Days, Vol. I
Journal: --
Imprint: London: W. &. R. Chambers, 1863, pp.819
Notes: --
Date: 1863
Content: --

12:134-136 - [Helm Notes on Castleton, Derbys., Garland Ceremony, Royal Oak Day, Morris/Molly Dancing]

Author: Addy, S. O.
Title: "Garland Day at Castleton"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 12 (1901), 426
Notes: --
Date: 1901
Content: --
Refs: ICD

12:136 - [Helm Notes on Chapel En Le Frith Rushbearing]

Author: Richardson, C. (?)
Title: Mds Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: "Mds Material Via Miss C. Richardson"
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:136-137 - [Helm Notes on Hope/Bradwell, Derbys., Garland]

Author: Addy, S. O.
Title: "Garland Day at Castleton"
Journal: Folklore
Imprint: 12 (1901), 424
Notes: --
Date: 1901
Content: --
Refs: ICD

12:137-139 - [Widdrington Morris?]

Author: Cawte, E. C. (?)
Title: Cawte Coll (?); Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; July 16, 1956
Notes: --
Date: 1956
Content: --

12:139A - [Helm Notes on Alfred William's Notes for a Newspaper Article (Folio 32)]

Author: William, Alfred
Title: William Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: On Wilts. and Oxon. Mummers
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: ERD

12:140V - [Note on Play from "Villages of the Upper Thames" in Folio 9]

Author: --
Title: --
Journal: --
Imprint: --
Notes: No Source Given
Date: --
Content: --
Refs: --

12:140R - [Extract from Letter to Helm (?) from Newall on Ludlow Morris]

Author: Newall, W. A.
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --; November 1935
Notes: --
Date: 1935
Content: --
Refs: not used

12:141 - Dawley Salop Morris

Author: Helm, Alex
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --; March 29, 1937
Notes: From Jack Smith, 56
Date: 1937
Content: --

12:142-143 - Much Wenlock (Salop) Morris

Author: Helm, Alex
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: --; March 30, 1937
Notes: From Baden Minton, 37
Date: 1937
Content: Dance

12:144 - Morton Corbett (Salop) Maypole

Author: Helm, Alex
Title: Helm Collection
Journal: --
Imprint: Whitchurch; March 19, 1938
Notes: --
Date: 1938
Content: --

12:145-147 - Play, Napier (?) (Incomplete)

Author: Marshall, Dorothy
Title: Marshall Collection; Carey Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: Napier; Feb. 1, --
Notes: Addressed to "Dear Denis"; Via Clive Carey
Date: --
Content: Text
Refs: ERD

12:147-149 - Tubney, Oxford, Mummers' Play 1912

Author: Marshall, Dorothy
Title: Marshall Collection; Carey Collection; Helm Collection - Copy
Journal: --
Imprint: --; 1912
Notes: Via Clive Carey
Date: 1912
Content: Text
Refs: ERD