-- Chronicle
[A Peterborough Paper]
A. R. V
Abram's Choreographic (?)
Accrington Observer
Andover Advertiser and Northern Hants. Gazette
Antiquary, The
Archaeologist and Journal of Antiquarian Science, The
Ashton Reporter
Athenaeum, The
Atheneum, The
Atlantic Advocate, The
Banbury Guardian
Belfast Newsletter
Birmingham Post
Birmingham Weekly Post
Blackwell's Magazine
Bradford Telegraph and Argus
Bristol Evening Post
British Archaeological Association, Vol. VIII
Bucks Herald
Bucks Herald, The
Castle Cary Visitor
Catholic Fireside, The
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal
Cheshire Life
Cheshire Notes and Queries
Cheshire Sheaf
Cheshire Sheaf, The
Chester Chronicle, The
Chester Courant
Chester Courant, The
Chilterns Magazine
Church Times, The
Classical Review, The
Coming Events in Britain
Congleton Chronicle
Cornhill Magazine, The
Country Life
Country Life Annual
Countryman, The
County Down Spectator, The
Courier, The
Crewe Guardian
Crypt, The
Daily Chronicle
Daily Graphic, The
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Mirror, The
Daily News
Daily Sketch
Daily Telegram
Daily Telegraph
Daily Telegraph and Morning Post
Daily Telegraph, The
Dalesman (?), The
Dalesman, The
Der Anschnitt
Derby Evening Telegraph
Derbyshire Countryside
Derbyshire Countryside, The
Derbyshire District Newsletter
Derry People
Derwent News Letter
Des Chercheurs Et Curieux
Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries
Dorset Notes and Queries
Douglas Weekly Diary
Dublin University Magazine
Durham University Journal
Ealing Gazette and West Middlesex Observer
East Anglian Notes and Queries
Edinburgh Evening Dispatch
English Dance and Song
English Illustrated Magazine, The
English Woman's Domestic Magazine
Esher News and Advertiser
Essays and Studies
Essex Countryside, The
Essex Naturalist, The
Essex Review
Essex Review, The
Estate Magazine
European Magazine
European Magazine, The
Evening Express
Evening Herald
Evening News, The
Evening Sentinel
Evesham Journal
Evesham Journal and Four Shires Advertiser, The
Evesham Standard, The
Field, The
Folk Life
Folklore (?)
Folk-Lore Journal
Folk-Lore Record
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country"
G. I. M
Gentleman's Magazine
Glossop Advertiser
Gloucestershire Countryside, The
Guardian, The
Halifax Courier and Guardian
Hampshire Advertiser
Hampshire Chronicle
Hampshire Countryside
Hampshire County Magazine
Hampshire, the County Magazine
Hants and Dorset Magazine
Harper's New Monthly Magazine (European Ed.)
Hertfordshire Countryside
Home Counties Magazine, The
Huddersfield Examiner, The
Hull Times, The
Illustrated London News
Illustrated News of the World, The
Impartial Reporter and Farmer's Journal, The
Ireland of the Welcomes
Ireland's Own
Irish Book Lover
Irish Book Lover, The
Irish Packet, The
Irish Press
Irish Press, The
Irish Times
Journal of American Folklore
Journal of the British Archaeological Association
Journal of the British Archaeological Association (?)
Journal of the British Archaeological Association, The
Journal of the British Archeological Association, The
Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society
Journal of the English Folk Dance Society
Journal of the Folk Song Society
Journal of the Folk Song Society (?)
Journal of the Lancashire and Cheshire Dialect Society
Journal of the Royal Institute
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland", The
Journal of the Textile Institute
Keble's Margate and Ramsgate Gazette and East Kent Advertiser
Kent County Journal, The
Kentiah Express and Ashford News
Kentish Gazette
Kilmarnock and Ayrshire Weekly Standard News, The
Kilmarnock Standard and Ayrshire Weekly News, The
Lady, The
Lancashire and Cheshire
Lancaster Guardian and General Advertiser for the Northern Counties, The
Library No. 19029
Library No. 19031
Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury
Lincolnshire Chronicle
Lincolnshire Chronicle and Leader, The
Lincolnshire Historian, Vol. 2, No. 4, The
Lincolnshire Magazine, The
Lincolnshire Notes and Queries
Little Folks
Liverpool Daily Post
Local Historian, The
London Evening News
London Magazine
Long Ago, a Journal of Popular Antiquities
Observer, The
Old Cornwall
Oldham Chronicle
Oldham Chronicls
Oldham Express
Oldham Standard
Oldham Wakes
Outlook, The
Oxford Archaeological Society Report
Oxford Journal
Oxford Mail
Oxford Outlook
Oxford Times
Oxford Times, The
Pall Mall Gazette
Pall Mall Gazette, The
Pall Mall Magazine, The
Pelican, The
Penrith Herald
Penzance Natural History and Antiquarian Society
Peterborough Advertiser and South Midland Times
Pictorial World, The
Pulman's Weekly News (Dorset and Devon)
Queen (the Lady's Newspaper and the Court Chronicle), The
Queen, The
Radio Times (?)
Read: Your Own Paper
Reading Mercury
Reading Standard
Record No. 12Rh75988
Record No. 12Rh75992
Records of Buckinghamshire
Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, The
Reliquary, The
Reporter, The
Retford, Gainsborough and Worksop Times, The
Revue Celtique
Rickmansworth Historian, The
Ripon Millenary Record
Rochdale Observer
Rochdale Observer (?), The
Rochdale Observer, The
Rutland Magazine
Rutland Magazine and County Historical Record, The
Saga Book of the Viking Club, Vol. V
Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser, The
Salisbury and Winchester Journal, The
Salopian Shreds and Patches
Saltire Review
Scots Magazine, The
Scotsman, The
Scottish Notes and Queries
Shamrock, The
Sharpe's London Magazine
Shrewsbury Chronicle
Shropshire Notes and Queries
Sign, The
Sleaford Gazette, The
Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries
Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries. Vol. II
Southern Daily Echo
Southern Evening Echo
Southport Guardian
Sporting Magazine, The
St. Edmund's Review
St. Peter Henleaze Parish Magazine
Staffordshire Advertiser, The
Stamford Mercury
Star, The
Studies in Philology
Sunday Independent
Sunday Mercury
Sunday Times, The
Surrey Archaeological Collections
Sussex Archaeological Collections, Vol. XXXIII
Sussex Archaeological Collections..., Vol. IX
Sussex County Magazine
Sussex Notes and Queries
Tablet, The
Thanet Advertiser
Times Literary Supplement
Times Literary Supplement, The
Times Telescope
Times, The
Transactions of the Devon Association
Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society
Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society
Transactions, Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire(?)
Ulster Illustrated
Ulster Journal of Archaeology
Uttoxeter Advertiser, The
Walford's Antiquarian
Wantage Herald, the North Berks. Herald
West Briton and Royal Cornwall Gazette
West Sussex Gazette
Western Antiquary
Western Antiquary, The
Westminster Gazette, The
Westmorland Gazette
Wiener Prahistorischen Zeitschrift, Vol. X1X (Trans. Richard D. Smith)
Wiener Zeitschrift Fur Volkskunde
Wiener Zeitschrift Fur XXXVII Jahrgang
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, The
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural Magazine, The
Wiltshire Gazette
Wiltshire Notes and Queries
Winchcombe and Sudeley Record, The
Worcester Evening News and Times
Wrexham Leader
Yorkshire Christmas Annual..., The
Yorkshire Dalesman, The
Yorkshire Evening Post
Yorkshire Evening Post, pp.4G, The
Yorkshire Evening Post, The
Yorkshire Evening Press
Yorkshire Folk-Lore
Yorkshire Folk-Lore Journal
Yorkshire Herald
Yorkshire Magazine, The
Yorkshire Notes and Queries
Yorkshire Post