
Derek Schofield grew up in Crosby, Liverpool, and after studying Economics at the University of Manchester, became a teacher in Crewe, Cheshire, later moving into further education and finally becoming deputy director of finance and administration at South Cheshire College, from where he took earlier retirement. He has been interested in folk music, dance and custom since his schooldays. He served on the executive committee of the English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS), on its library advisory committees and edited the organisation’s magazine, English Dance and Song, from 2005 to 2015. He is now reviews editor for the Folk Music Journal. His research interests have included the history of the folk music and dance revivals.

Scope of the collection: 

Schofield conducted research on mummers’ plays in Staffordshire during the 1980s. This involved collecting all known written references, newspaper searches and fieldwork resulting from newspaper appeals. A particular focus of the research was the traditional group, the Uttoxeter Guisers. 

Where the collection is located: 

Schofield’s collection is held privately in his own home.

Access to the collection: 

The collection may be available to researchers by appointment. Contact via

Catalogue details: 

There is no catalogue.