Various members of TDRG have the following items for sale. If you wish to purchase any of these titles, please contact Eddie Cass first. These are all new copies, not second-hand and most of the items are in very limited supply. Prices are £5 each plus postage.
Christopher Fetherston (1973) A Dialogue agaynst light, lewde, and lasciuious dauncing
Leicester, Guizer Press, 1973
An early record of morris dancing, the book was first published in 1582. This is a facsimile of the copy in the Bodleian Library.
Alex Helm (1969) The Chapbook Mummers' Play. A Study of the Printed Versions of the North-West of England
Ibstock, Guizer Press, 1969, 54pp.
Alex Helm (1984) Staffordshire Folk Drama
Ibstock, Guizer Press, 1984, ISBN 0-902065-08-4, 72pp.
Peter Stevenson (1982) The Peace Egg or St. George. An Easter Play. An Original Chapbook from Edwards & Bryning with a Brief History...
Sheffield, Traditional Drama Research Group, 1982, ISBN 0950-815209