This event will be held at the Pitt Rivers Museum Oxford, 64 Banbury Road, Saturday and Sunday March 12-13 2005. The weekend will include the Annual Presidential Lecture Saturday 12 March:
From Revival to Survival: The Glastonbury Thorn Ceremony
Marion Bowman
Other Papers include
- Patricia Lysaght (Dublin), Swedish Ethnological Missions to Ireland 1943-5: Reasons, Achievements and Aftermath
- George Monger, A Lucky Wisp of Hay? Material Culture and the Folklore Society
- David Price (Oxford), Witch Posts
- Jeremy Harte, Holy Wells and the Social Construction of the Body
- James Grayson (Sheffield), ‘They First Saw a Mirror’ - A Korean Folktale as a Form of Social Criticism
- Juliette Wood (Cardiff), Montague Summers: a Demonologist and the Bodleian
- Megan Price (Oxford), Henry Underhill and Archaeology
- Jonathan Roper (Sheffield), Christmas Mumming in Labrador
We hope to arrange a reception and storytelling session accompanied by Henry Underhill's Magic Lantern slides.
For further details of the conference contact:FLS Office, Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London WC1H OAB Tel: (020) 7862 8564.
I would like to draw to the attention of members of the Traditional Drama Research Group, Jonathan Ropers’ paper in particular. Whilst the tradition does not constitute a play, the lecture should be stimulating for those with a wider interest in folk performance.