Article type: 


Eddie Cass (2010) T. Fairman Ordish and the British Folk Play
Folklore, 2010, Vol.121, pp.1-11

E.C. Cawte (2009) The Calling-On Song in the North-West of England
Folk Music Journal, 2009, Vol.9, No.4, pp.525-580

Joy Fraser (2009) Mummers on Trial : Mumming, Violence and the Law in Conception Bay and St. John's, Newfoundland, 1831-1863
Shima: the international journal of research into island cultures, 2009, Vol.3, No.2, pp.70-88

Alan Gailey (2005) Chapbook Printings of Mummers' Plays in Ireland
Ulster Folklife, 2005, Vol.51, pp.34-53

Alan Gailey (2010) Irish Mummers' Play Texts: Their Content and Development - Part 1
Ulster Folklife, 2010, Vol.53, pp.1-56


Georges Arsenault (2009) Acadian Mi-Carême: Masks and Merrymaking
Charlottetown, The Acorn Press, 2009, ISBN 978-1-894838-40-5, C$19.95

An important publication on the masking tradition of parts of eastern Canada.

Kelvin Jones (ed.) (2010) Cornish Mumming
West Rudham, Oakmagic Publications, 2010, ISBN 978-1940330-061, £4.95

Anton Kirchhofer & Jutta Schwarzkopf (eds.) (2009) The Workings of the Anglosphere : Contributions to the Study of British and US-American Cultures, presented to Richard Stinshoff
Trier, WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009, ISBN 978-3-86821-132-0, €28.50

This book contains 'The James Madison Carpenter Collection: Reflections on its Past and on its Future' by Eddie Cass.

Richard Maylam, Mick Lynn & Geoff Doel (eds.) (2009) Percy Maylam's The Kent Hooden Horse
Stroud, The History Press, 2009, ISBN 9780752449975, £12.99

See review by E.C. Cawte elsewhere in this issue.