Forum issue:
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We have news of two new books of interest to drama researchers:
James Parle "The Mummers of Wexford"
Drinagh, Wexford, JJP Publications, 2001
Copies of this publication, which is reviewed in this issue, are available from James Parle at "Pine Grove, Drinagh, Wexford, Republic of Ireland. Price: IR£15: £12 sterling: 19 Euros. Postage is additional - £5 to England and £7.50 surface mail to America.
Eddie Cass "The Lancashire Pace Egg play: A social history"
London: FLS Books, 2001
Copies are available from The Folklore Society, The Warburg Institute, Woburn Square, London, WC1H 0AB. Price £14.95/US$24 including post and packing.