H.Carey (1736)


Time of Occurrence: 
[Not given]
Collective name: 
[Not given]


Source author: 
Henry Carey
Source title: 
The Honest Yorkshire-Man. A ballad farce. As it is Perform'd
Source publication: 
London, W.Feales, [1736], pp.22-23


Combrush / Comb.
Muckworm / Muck.



{AIR XVIII. A Beggar got a Beadle.}


There was a certain Usurer,
He had a pretty Niece;
Was courted by a Barrister,
Who was her doating Piece.
Her Uncle to prevent the same,
Did all that in him lay,
For which he's very much to blame,
As all good People say.


A Country 'Squire was to wed,
This fair and dainty Dame;
But such Contraries in a Bed,
Wou'd be a monst'rous Shame:
To see a Lady bright and gay,
Of Fortune, and of Charms,
So shamefully be thrown away,
Into a Looby's Arms.


The Lovers, thus distracted,
It set 'em on a Plot;
Which lately has been acted,
And---shall I tell you what,
The Gentleman disguis'd himself
Like to the Country 'Squire.
Deceiv'd the old mischievous Elf,
And got his Heart's Desire.


I dont like this Song.


Then you don't like Truth, Sir.


What! d'ye mean to affront me?


Wou'd you have me tell a Lye, Sir?


Get out of my House, you Baggage.


I only stay to take my Mistress with me;
and see, here she comes.


Extracted from: Chadwyck-Healey's Literature Online: ED version 97:1)

Carey, H.: The Honest Yorkshire-Man (1736): a machine-readable transcript, English Prose Drama Full-Text Database, Cambridge, Chadwyck-Healey, 1997

Chadwyck-Healey's Notes:

Date first performed: 11 Jul 1735.

Peter Millington's Notes:

Some of the lines from this scene are incorporated in the Plough Play from Swinderby Lincs. (C.R.Baskervill, 1924, pp.263-268).