R.J.E.Tiddy (1923) pp.232-233


Location: town: 
Time of Occurrence: 
Collective name: 
[Not given]


Source author: 
Source title: 
The Mummers' Play
Source publication: 
Oxford, University Press, 1923, pp.232-233


Belsey Bob
Valiant Soldier
King George
Father Christmas
Little Man Dick
Bibble and Funny





In comes I who never been before.
So many actors at the Door.
Some Can dance and Some Can Sing
and by your leave we all walk in.


Belsey Bob

In comes I old Belsey Bob
on my Soulder I carry a nob
in my hand I carry a can
dond you think I am a golly Old man.


Valiant Soldier

In comes I the Valiant Soldier Just arrived From France
With my broad sword and Spear I'll make King George to Dance.


[King George?]

I fought the firy Dragons and brought to great Slaughter.
and by those means I wish to win the King of Egypt Daughter.


[Valiant Soldier?]

Pull out thy Purse and pay.
pull out your sword and Slay?
adone sir adone sir
Ill cut him and Slay him and When Ill done
I fight the best man under the evening Sun.


[King George?]

Ladies & Gentlemen see what I have done
I have cut him down like the evening Sun
his body is dead his blood is shed
Pray what will become of me.



is there a Doctor to be found


Yes Sir.


Calls him Doctor


Yes Sir.


how camest thou A Doctor


by my travels


where hast thou traveled


through Italy France and Spain
three times round the world and back again.


What canst thou cure


I can cure Ictity Pickaty Paulsy Gout
If theires 19 Devels in that man I'll Cast 20 out?
In my left hand pocket I carry a bottle of Drops
A Drop to his temple a Drop to his tongue
that man Shall arise Immediately Arise.


[Valiant Soldier?]

Ladies and Gentlemen See what a horrible torable thing it is
to jump out of 17 Sences into 17 Score
and out of 17 Score into forty eleven more
If ever I live to get over this I never fight no more.



A room A room Pray galant hall and give me room to Rise
I'll come to Show Activity this merry Christmas time
Activity to me Activity to the
If you Cant belive what I got to Say
Step in Old father Christmas and Boldly Clear the way.


Father Christmas

I comes I old Father Christmas Welcome In or welome not
I hope Old Father Christmas will never be forgot.


Little Man Dick

I comes I little man Dick
with my by big head and little wit
my head so big my wit so small
we sing you a song that will Please you all.


Hang up the Shuvel and the hoe
lay down the fiddle and the bow
for thee no more work for Poor Old Ned
hes gone with the good niggers go go go.


Bibble and Funny

In comes I little bibble and funny
I am the man to Collect the money
Money I wount money I crave
if you dond give me money I'll sweep you to the grave.


Tiddy Notes:

"The manuscript of this version is in a very illiterate hand and shows how a play may be corrupted by being written down as well as by oral transmission. "

Peter Millington's Notes:

The original text does not have speech designations.

Scanned text downloaded from http://members.tripod.co.uk/Sandmartyn/mum26.htm