"Second thoughts are best" (1780-1812)...


Time of Occurrence: 
[Not given]
Collective name: 
[Not given]


Source author: 
Source title: 
Second thoughts are best
Source publication: 
London, J.Evans, 1780-1812





COME write me down, ye powers above,
That first created man to Love,
I have a diamond in my eye,
Where all my joy and comfort lie.


I'll give you gold, I'll give you pearl,
If you can fancy me my girl;
Rich costly robes too you shall wear,
If you can fancy me my dear.


It is not your gold shall ever me entice
To leave off my pleasures to take your advice;
I do never intend at all
To be at any young man's call.


O go your ways, you scornful dame,
If you are shy, I'll be the same;
For I don't fear but I can find
Another fair maid to my mind.


O stay young man, be not in haste,
You seem afraid your time will waste,
Let reason rule your roving mind,
And unto you I will proove kind.


Thy sorrow and troubles now is past.
My joy and comfort is come at last;
But the girl that always said me nay,
Now proves my comfort night and day.


Peter Millington's Notes:

This dialogue ballad is incorporated in two Plough Plays - The Bassingham Men's play (C.R.Baskervill, 1924, pp.241-245), and the Swinderby play (C.R.Baskervill, 1924, pp.263-268).

The possible period of publication comes from the Broadside Ballad Index of the Bodleian Library, Oxford. This is the oldest version of this ballad in the Index. Although some couplets also appeared in an earlier ballad - "If you love me tell me so; Or, Loves fierce Dispute" - published in the latter half of the 17th century, the earlier version was not included in any Quack Doctor folk plays.