Authors - A

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Authors - B

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Boyes, Georgina, The Man-Woman Figure in Traditional Drama 4.1 (1984) 4 (sum)
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Brand, John, Observations on Popular Antiquities . . . , with the Additions of Sir Henry Ellis, an entirely new and revised edition with numerous illustrations (London: Chatto and Windus, 1888) 1.3 (1981) 21 (cit)
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Bratton, J. S., ‘Theatre of War: The Crimea on the London Stage 1854-5’, in Performance and Politics in Popular Drama, ed. by David Bradley, Louis James & Bernard Sharratt (Cambridge: 1980), p.136, f.n. 4 5.3 (1985) 30 (sum)
Bratton, J. S. (ed.), Music Hall: Performance and Style (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1986) 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Brears, Charles, ‘Lincolnshire Folk Lore and Legends’, Lincolnshire Magazine, 1 (1932-34), 175 & 140-1 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Bregenhøj, Carsten, Helligtrekongersløb på Agersø (Epiphany Mummering on Agersø) (Copenhagen: 1974) 1.1 (1980) 5 3.3 (1983) 15 (cit)
Brennan, John, ‘Pace Egging in the Calder Valley’, English Dance and Song, 38.2 (1976), 50-1 2.2 (1982) 14 (cit)
Brice, Andrew, The Mobiad (London: 1770), p.90 4.5 (1984) 49 (cit)
Briggs, Asa, The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom, vol. 2: The Golden Age of Wireless (London: OUP, 1965), p.256 7.2 (1989) 26 (cit)
Briggs, Katherine, Folklore of the Cotswolds (Batsford, 1974), pp.187-90 4.6 (1984) 63 (cit)
Briscoe, Marianne G., Clerical Views of Festival in Late Medieval England 7.1 (1988) 13 (fco)
Briscoe, Marianne G., & John C. Coldewey,  Contexts for Early English Drama (Indiana University Press, 1989) 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Broadwood, Lucy, English Traditional Songs and Carols (London: Boosey, 1908), pp. 882-3 1.3 (1981) 19 (cit)
Brody, Alan, The English Mummers and Their Plays (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969; Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1970 & 1971); {citations vary} 2.6 (1982) 44 6.3 (1986) 18, 22
  6.5 (1986) 39 (cit)
Broomhead, Duncan, Collection: Nether Alderley Play [n.d.] 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Broomhead, Duncan, An Eighteenth Century Play from Cheshire 2.5 (1982) 23-9 (txt)
Broomhead, Duncan, Mumming and the BBC 8.1 (1991) 4-9 (txt)
Brown, Barbara, ‘History of a Revival Mummers’ Side’, English Dance and Song, 42.3 (1980), 9 1.6 (1981) 38 (rec)
Brown, Roly, ‘Mumming Plays in West Berkshire’, Folk Review 7.11, (1978), 9-13 1.3 (1981) 21 (rec) 2.3 (1982) 19-20
  3.1 (1983) 3 (cit)
Brown, Roly, ‘Traditional Topics: The Chaddleworth Mumming Play’, Southern Rag Folk Magazine 1.4 (1980), 27-8 1.3 (1981) 21 2.3 (1982) 19
  3.1 (1983) 3 (cit)
Brown, Roly, A Note on the Weston (Berks.) Play 2.3 (1982) 18-20 (txt) 3.1 (1983) 3 (cit)
Brown, Roly, Further Notes on Mummers in West Berkshire 1897-1927 3.1 (1983) 1-4 (txt)
Brown, Roly, Mummers in West Berkshire 1890-1920 3.3 (1983) 18 (sum)
Brown, Roly, ‘Mummers in West Berkshire 1897-1927: Work in Progress–Three "New" Locations’, Downs Miscellany, 3.2 (1985), 2-12 6.3 (1986) 17 (rec)
Buchan, David (ed.), Scottish Tradition: A Collection of Scottish Folk Literature (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984), Folk Drama pp.210-25, 245-8 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Buckland, Ernest, BBC Record no. 10029f, 20 Dec. 1946 8.1 (1991) 11 (sum)
Buckland, Theresa Jill, ‘The Abbots Bromley Horn Dance’  (unpublished B.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1976) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
Buckland, Theresa Jill, ‘Ceremonial Dance Traditions in the South-West Pennines and Rossendale’, (unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1984) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
Buckland, Theresa, ‘Documenting a Processional Dance from Past and Present Perspectives’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 39 (rec)
Burkert, Walter, Homo Necans: The Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth (University of California Press, 1987) 6.6 (1986) 60 (rec)
Burne, Charlotte, Shropshire Folklore: A Sheaf of Gleanings (London: 1883) 3.4 (1983) 24 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Burne, C. S., ‘The Folklore of Staffordshire’, Journal of the British Archaeological Association, n.s. 2 (1896), 31 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Burson, Ann, ‘Model and Text in Folk Drama’, Journal of American Folklore, 93 (1980), 305-16 1.1 (1980) 6 (rec)
Burson, Anne, ‘Pomp and Circumcision: A Parodic Skit in a Medical Community’, Keystone Folklore, n.s. 1.1 (1982), 28-40 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Burson, Anne C., The Satiric Medical Skit: Folk Drama in a Modern Occupational Group (1980) 1.2 (1980) 10 (sum)
Byrne, Cyril, ‘Some Comments on the Social Circumstances of Mummering in Conception Bay and St John’s in the Nineteenth Century’, Newfoundland Quarterly, 77.4 (Winter 1981-2) 3-6 4.4 (1984) 31 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)

Authors - C

Caine, p.W., Manx Museum, MS 85B 5.4 (1985) 32 (cit)
Callcott, Dr, As I Was Going to Derby (London: B. Williams, [n.d.]); copy in Selected Glees, British Library H2342.C 1.6 (1981) 36 (cit)
Calvert, Valerie E., ‘The Pasche Egg’,  (unpublished B.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1962) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
Cannon, Joan, ‘The Christmas Mummers: A Sketch from the Past’, The Sign, Dec. 1937, pp. 162-3 2.3 (1982) 22 (cit)
Carey, Clive, London, Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, Carey MSS, Sx 3, 59, 327C 1.3 (1981) 19 (cit)
Carpenter, James Madison, Collection, Library of Congress, MS Music-3109; Microfilm copy in Vaughan Williams Memorial Library, Cecil Sharp House, London 1.1 (1980) 5 2.2 (1982) 14
  2.3 (1982) 19 3.2 (1983) 10
  4.5 (1984) 49 6.2 (1986), 12
  6.5 (1986) 41 7.2 (1989) 24 (cit)
  8.1 (1991) 10-11 (sum)
Castle, Terry, Masquerade and Civilization; The Carnivalesque in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction (London: Methuen, 1986) 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Castor, Peterborough Advertiser, Saturday 13 Jan. 1876, p.3c, {two series each week, essential to cite the day} 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Cave, Richard (ed.), Theatre in Focus: Original Monographs . . . (Consortium for Drama and Media in Higher Education, [n.d.]) 2.1 (1982) 8a-b (adv)
Cawley A. C., ‘Thoresby and Later Owners of the Manuscript of the York Plays (BL Additional MS 35290’, Leeds Studies in English, n.s. 11 (1979), 74-89 (p. 76) 1.5 (1981) 27 (cit)
Cawte, E. C., ‘The Riccall Sword Dance’, Folk Music Journal, 2.2 (1971), 102-14 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Cawte, E. C., Ritual Animal Disguise: A Historical and Geographical Study of Animal Disguise in the British Isles, (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer; Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1978) 1.6 (1981) 35 2.2 (1982) 14
  2.5 (1982) 29 4.1 (1984) 2 (cit)
Cawte, E. C., A Guide to English Ritual Drama in the Carpenter Manuscripts (typescript, 1979-80) {Vaughan Williams Memorial Library} 1.1 (1980) 5 (cit)
Cawte, E. C., John Fletcher and The Observer 4.1 (1984) 9 (txt)
Cawte, E. C., Amendments to ‘English Ritual Drama’, parts 1 to 3 1.5 (1981) 23-6 2.2 (1982) 9-16
  5.2 (1985) 9-22 (txt)
Cawte, E. C., Folk Drama As a Science 5.3 (1985) 27 (txt)
Cawte, E. C., Correspondence {on Kent & Isle of Wight plays, and Stuart Piggott MSS} 6.3 (1986) 16 (txt)
Cawte, E. C., Alex Helm and N. Peacock, English Ritual Drama (London: Folk-Lore Society, 1967) 1.1 (1980) 3, 5 1.5 (1981) 23
  1.6 (1981) 36 2.1 (1982) 1
  2.2 (1982) 9 2.4 (1982) 24
  2.5 (1982) 29, 33 2.6 (1982) 44
  3.1 (1983) 3 3.2 (1983) 9
  3.3 (1983) 18 3.5 (1983) 33
  4.5 (1984) 48 5.2 (1985) 9
  5.5 (1985) 42, 44, 47 6.2 (1986) 12
  6.3 (1986) 16, 18, 22 7.3 (1989) 30
  7.4 (1990) 60-1 (cit)
Celander, Hilding, Stj ärngossarna: Deras Visor och Julspel (The Star-boys: Their Songs and Christmas Play) (Stockholm: 1950) 3.3 (1983) 15 (cit)
Chambers, E. K., The Mediaeval Stage, 2 vols (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1903) 4.5 (1984) 48, 50 6.3 (1986) 18, 22
  7.3 (1989) 30 (cit)
Chambers, E. K., The English Folk-Play (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1933) 2.1 (1982) 7 3.4 (1983) 24
  4.5 (1984) 48-51 5.5 (1985) 47, 52
  6.3 (1986) 16, 18, 22 7.3 (1989) 30 (cit)
Chambers, Tom, Collection 2.2 (1982) 14 (cit)
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Chandler, Keith, 18th Century Mummers at Sherborne, Glos. 6.2 (1986) 12 (txt)
Chandler, Keith, Mumming at Chadlington (Oxfordshire): A Note on Some Recently-collected Material 6.5 (1986) 40-1 (txt)
Chandler, Keith, ‘Continuing Researches into the South Midland Morris: A Progress Report’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 39-40 (rec)
Chapman, Frank, Yesterday’s Town–Tonbridge (Barracuda, 1982), p.94 7.4 (1990) 68 (sum)
Charlton, C. H., ‘Belief and Superstition in the Area of Runcorn and Widness {sic}’ (unpublished thesis for BA, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1973) 7.4 (1990) 56 (rec)
Chaworth-Musters, Mrs, A Cavalier Stronghold: A Romance of the Vale of Belvoir(London: Simpkin Marshall, 1890), pp.387-92 7.3 (1989) 30 (cit)
Chidlaw, Richard, Collection 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Clare, John, ‘Morris Dancers’, in The Poems of John Clare, ed. by J. W. Tibble, (London: J. M. Dent, 1935), text-transform:uppercase'>II , 268 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Clare, John, The Shepherd’s Calendar, ed. by Eric Robinson & Geoffrey Summerfield (London: Oxford University Press, 1964), p.127 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Clarke, Frances, No Show Without Punch 3.3 (1983) 18 (sum)
Clarke, Frances, As Pleased As Punch 5.4 (1985) 38 (sum)
Clarkson, Christopher, The History and Antiquities of Richmond in the County of York(Richmond: 1821), pp.290-1 4.5 (1984) 51 (cit)
Clegg, John Trafford, ‘Bowd Slasher’ in The Works of John Trafford Clegg: Stories, Sketches and Rhymes in the Rochdale Dialect (Rochdale: James Clegg, 1895), pp. 76-83 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Clopper, Lawrence M., ‘Florescence in the North: Traditions of Drama and Ceremony’ 6.4 (1986) 33 (cit)
Coldeney, John C., ‘The Records of Early English Drama in Nottinghamshire’, Bulletin of Local History–East Midland Region, 15 (1980), 9-10 1.5 (1981) 30 (rec)
Coldewey, John C., ‘Plays and "Play" in Early English Drama’, Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama, 28 (1985), 181-8 6.1 (1986) 5 (rec)
Cole, M. R., Los Pastores: A Mexican Play of the Nativity (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, for the American Folklore Society, 1907) 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Collingwood, Frances, ‘Folklore of Nottinghamshire’, Nottinghamshire Magazine, 1.3 (1933), 180 2.2 (1982) 14 (cit)
Cooke, Rev. J. H., Shillingstone: The Story of a Dorset Village (Frome: printed by Butler & Tanner, published privately, 1921), pp.87-8 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Copper, Bob, Songs and Southern Breezes (London: Heinemann, 1973) 1.6 (1981) 32 (cit)
Cordrey, Edward, Bygone Days at Iffley (privately printed, 1956), p.54 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Cousa, James, Mumming in South County Armagh: Reminiscences of a Philadelphia Irish American (1980) 1.2 (1980) 10 (sum)
Cousins, D. S., Private communication to p.Smith 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Coussmaker, Rev. John Octavius, MS of Hamstall Ridware Play (1900), Hamstall Ridware Parish Church {not cited formally, but this detail is in the text} 3.2 (1983) 7 (sum)
Cox, A. H., ‘Mummers Plays’, Middlesex Local History Bulletin, no. 17 (1964), 15-20 4.6 (1984) 64 (cit)
Cox, J. Stevens, Mumming and the Mummers’ Play of St George (St Peter Port: Toucan Press, 1970), p.432 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Cragg, John, MS Diary 1790, formerly on loan to Lincolnshire Record Office, now absent;copy of relevant passage in E. H. Rudkin Collection 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Craig, Patricia, ‘Review of Henry Glassie "All Silver and No Brass" (University of Pennsylvania Press)’, Times Literary Supplement, 23 Dec. 1983, p.1428 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Craven, Gerald, and Richard Moseley, ‘Actors on the Canvas Stage: The Dramatic Conventions of Wrestling’, Journal of Popular Culture, (1972), 326-36 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Crawford, Phyllis, In England Still (Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1938) 1.1 (1980) 5 1.3 (1981) 22
  2.4 (1982) 23 (cit)
Crawford, Sean, ‘On Christmas Eve: A Christmas Play in One Act’, Ireland’s Own, 3 Dec. 1949, pp.14-15 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Creighton, Helen, ‘Old Christmas Eve in Nova Scotia’, Canadian Geographical Journal, 63.6 (1961), 219 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Creighton, Helen, Communication to Dr Herbert Halpert, 15 June 1967; copy in University College London, Library, Helm Collection, vol. 29, p.1 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Cronk, Anthony, A Short History of West Malling, Kent (published privately, 1951), p.41 5.3 (1985) 23 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Cubbon, William (comp. & ed.), A Bibliographical Account of Works Relating to the Isle of Man (London: Oxford University Press, 1933), vol. 1 5.4 (1985) 32 (cit)
Culin, Stewart, ‘Folk-Lore Scrap-Book: Italian Marionette Theatre in Brooklyn, N.Y.’, Journal of American Folklore, 3 (1890), 155-7 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Cunnington, C., Alveston: Our Village Within Living Memory (Dursley: printed by F. Bailey, 1959), 34 & app. 4 5.2 (1985) 19 (cit)
Cycloped, Janus, ‘Play Selection: Christmas Plays and Mysteries’, Amateur Stage, 1 (Nov. 1926), 364 4.5 (1984) 49 (cit)

Authors - D

Dance, Miss E. M., Collection, copy in University College London, Library, Helm Collection, vol. 31, p.152 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Danforth, Loring M., ‘Tradition and Change in Greek Shadow Theater’, Journal of American Folklore, 96 (1983), 281-309 {or} 310-22 {citations differ} 3.2 (1983) 12 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Daniel, George, Merrie England In the Olden Time, new edn (London: Frederick Warne, [c.1841]), pp. 198-9 5.3 (1985) 29 (sum)
Davis, Susan C., Making Night Hideous: Mummery and Masking in Nineteenth Century Philadelphia (1980) 1.2 (1980) 10 (sum)
Davis, Susan G., ‘Making Night Hideous: Christmas Revelry and Public Order in 19th Century Philadelphia’, American Quarterly, 34 (1982), 185-99 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Davis, Susan G., Parades and Power: Street Theater in Nineteenth Century Philadelphia(Temple University Press, 1986) 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Davis, Susan G., Parades and Power: Street Theater in 19th Century Philadelphia(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Davison, Peter, Contemporary Drama and the Popular Dramatic Tradition in England(London: Macmillan, 1982) 6.3 (1986) 17 (rec)
Davison, Peter, Popular Appeal in English Drama to 1850 (London: Macmillan, 1982) 2.3 (1982) 22 (rec)
de Roos, Marjoke, Shrovetide Performances in the Low Countries 7.1 (1988) 13 (fco)
Dealaiza, Candi, Definition of Character Type in the Basque Pastorale (1980) 1.2 (1980) 10-11 (sum)
Dean-Smith, Margaret, ‘Folk Play Origins of the English Masque’, Folk-Lore, 65 (1954), 85, f.n.15 2.2 (1982) 14 (cit)
Dean-Smith, Margaret, ‘The Life-Cycle Play or Folk Play’, Folk-Lore, 69 (1958), 239 4.5 (1984) 48 (cit)
Dean-Smith, Margaret, ‘An Un-Romantic View of the Mummers’ Play’, Theatre Research, 8.2 (1966), 89-99 4.5 (1984) 48 6.3 (1986) 22 (cit)
Deegan, Mary Jo, and Michael Stein, ‘American Drama and Ritual: Nebraska Football’, International Review of Sport Sociology, 13.3 (1978), 31-42 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Denier, Tony, The Great Secret of Shadow Pantomimes: or, Harlequin in the Shades(London: Samuel French, [c.1868]), pp.iii-iv, 8-12 6.4 (1986) 24-5, 32 (cop)
Dennis, Pauline, Whillesey Straw Bear, English Dance and Song, 43.4 (1981), 21-2 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec)
Dietrich, Julia, ‘The Folk Drama and the Liturgy of Sacrifice’, Kentucky Folklore Record, 25.1-2 (1979), 37-45 1.3 (1981) 21 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Disher, M. Willson, The Greatest Show on Earth (London: G. Bell, 1937) 4.5 (1984) 47 (cit)
Dobie, Frank J., Mody C. Boatright and Harry H. Ransom (eds), Texas Stomping Grounds(Austin: Texas Folklore Society, 1941), pp.126-40 6.6 (1986) 51 (sum)
Dodgson, J. Mc N. (ed.), The Place-names of Cheshire Part I, English Place-name Society (Cambridge: University Press, 1970), p.98 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Dodsley, Robert, Old Plays (1744; repr. London: S. Prowett, 1825-7) 6.3 (1986) 22 (cit)
Donelly, James S., ‘The Whiteboy Movement, 1761-65’, Irish Historical Studies, 21.81 (1978), 3-54 5.4 (1985) 33 (cit)
Douce, Francis, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Western Manuscripts, MS Douce 44, pp.1-7 2.5 (1982) 23 (cop)
{Douce, Francis}, Bodleian Library, Western Manuscripts, MS Douce d.44, pp.204-8 & 217 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Douglas, Mary, Natural Symbols (London: Cresset Press, 1970), pp.14, 20 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)
Drake, Jon, The Fool and the Hobby-Horse in Ritual Drama 1.2 (1980) 12 (cit)
Drake, Jon, The Fool and the Hobby-Horse: Their Role in Ritual Drama of Britain(Garsington: Southend Press, 1985) 5.5 (1985) 41 (rec)
Dransfield, John N., A History of the Parish of Penistone (Penistone: James H. Wood, 1906), p.133 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Dryden, The Rival Ladies, (1664) 4.5 (1984) 49 (cit)
Duncan, Lindsay, Collection, copy in E. C. Cawte collection, {QNS 188-212, 221-2} 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Dundes, Alan, ‘Structuralism and Folklore’, in Essays in Folklore (Meerut: Folklore Institute of Indiana, 1979), p.194 6.5 (1986) 38 (cit)
Durland, Frances Caldwell, Creative Dramatics for Children (Antioch Press, 1952) 4.2 (1984) 14 (cit)
Dutton Family, Account Book, Gloucester, Record Offfice, D 678/FAM/96D 6.2 (1986) 12 (sum)

Authors - E

Eames, Bronwen A., ‘The Uttoxeter Feather Guisers' Christmas Mumming Play’,  (unpublished B.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1981) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
Eco, Umberto, V. V. Ivanov and Monoca Rector, Carnival! (Berlin: Mouton, 1984) 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Eisenberg, Helen & Larry, The Handbook of Skits and Stunts, 7th edn (New York: Associated Press, 1955), pp.25-6 6.4 (1986) 26-32 (cop)
Eisenbichler, Konrad, Some Considerations on Florentine Christmas Plays 7.1 (1988) 13 (fco)
Ellis, Bill, ‘The Camp Mock Ordeal: Theatre as Life’, Journal of American Folklore, 94 (1981), 486-505 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec) 4.2 (1984) 14 (cit)
Emmison, F. G., Elizabethan Life: Disorder (Chelmsford: Essex County Council, 1970), p.27 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Espinosa, Aurelio M., ‘Traditional Spanish Religious Folk Drama in New Mexico’ and ‘Spanish Secular Folk Drama in New Mexico’, in The Folklore of Spain in the American Southwest: Traditional Spanish Folk Literature . . ., ed. by J. Manuel Espinosa (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985) 6.1 (1986) 5 (rec)
Esser, Janet Brody (ed.), Behind the Mask in Mexico (Museum of New Mexico Press, 1988) 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Ewing, Juliana Horatia, The Peace Egg (S.P.C.K., [n.d.]) pp.46-58 4.6 (1984) 64 (cit)

Authors - F

Fees, Craig, ‘Medieval Theater/Theatre and/in Indo-European Tradition/Context’ (unpublished M.A. thesis, Occidental College, Los Angeles, 1981) {citations differ} 4.5 (1984) 50 6.3 (1986) 22 (cit)
Fees, Craig, Damn St George: Some Neglected Home Truths in the History of British Folk Drama, or Bring Out the Dead 2.6 (1982) 45 (sum)
Fees, Craig, Folk Play and Analogues: Performance and Charity in Chipping Campden 3.3 (1983) 18 (sum)
Fees, Craig, Looking Over the Obvious 4.1 (1984) 4 (sum)
Fees, Craig, Toward Establishing the Study of Folk Drama as a Science: A Critique of Sandra Billington’s Article . . . 4.5 (1984) 41-51 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Obituary, George Richard Greenall (19th October 1909 - 18th October 1984) 4.6 (1984) 53-4 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Folk Drama As a Science 5.3 (1985) 28-9 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Notes and Queries; {historical characters in traditional plays} 5.3 (1985) 30 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Correspondence {any document should be looked at critically} 5.4 (1985) 40 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Correspondence {on Willetts, Roomer 5.5 (1985)} 6.3 (1986) 16-17 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Correspondence {on Voigt, ... Irish Folk Play, Roomer, 6.5, 35-9} 6.6 (1986) 55-6 (txt)
Fees, Craig T., ‘Christmas Mumming in a North Cotswold Town: With Special Reference to Tourism, Urbanisation, and Immigration-Related Social Change’ (unpublished doctoral dissertation: Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1988) 7.1 (1988) 14 7.2 (1989) 21 (rec), 26 (cit)
  8.1 (1991) 10, 12 (cit)
Fees, Craig, The B.B.C. and Mumming No. 1 7.1 (1988) 2-9 (txt)
Fees, Craig, ‘Maypole Dance in the 20th Century: Further Studies of a North Cotswold Town’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 39 (rec)
Fees, Craig, ‘Review of Ronald W. Vince, "Ancient and Mediaeval Theatre: A Historiographical Handbook" (Westwood, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984)’ 6.3 (1986) 18-21 (rev)
Fees, Craig, The BBC and Mumming No. 2: The BBC’s Influence on Folk Customs: A Case (1) 7.2 (1989) 23-6 (txt)
Fees, Craig, ‘Mummers and Momoeri: A Response’, Folklore, 100.2 (1989), 240-7 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Fees, Craig, BBC and Mumming no. 3: An Initial List 7.4 (1990) 58-66 (txt)
Fees, Craig, Sources for the Mumming in Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire 1860-1900 8.1 (1991) 10-12 (txt)
Fenoughty, Sue, ‘From Italy, Titaly, France and Spain’, (MS, 1971), pp.76, 78, 80, 82-7 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Fergus, David, ‘Here Comes in Goloshans’, Scots Magazine, Jan. 1982, pp.420-4 2.3 (1982) 22 (rec)
Fergusson, Erna, Dancing Gods: Indian Ceremonials of New Mexico and Arizona(Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Firestone, Melvin M., ‘Mummers and Strangers in Northern Newfoundland’, in Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland, ed. by Herbert Halpert & G. M. Story (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969) p.75 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)
Firestone, Melvine, ‘Christmas Mumming and Symbolic Interactionism’, Ethos, 6.2 (1978), 92- 113 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Fiske, Roger, English Theatre Music in the Eighteenth Century, 2nd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986) 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Fitzrandolph, M., (ed.), I Remember–Social Life in Gloucestershire Villages 1850-1950(Gloucester: Gloucestershire Community Council, [1965]), p.31 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Fletcher, Ann, ‘On the Dialect of Biddulph Moor’ (unpublished dissertation, Alsager Training College, 1966), ff. 21-30; Copy in University College London, Library, Helm Collection, vol. 31, pp.103, 132 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Fletcher, John P., ‘Christmas Mummers’, The Observer, 28 Dec. 1930, p.3d 2.4 (1982) 23 (sum)
Fletcher, John P., ‘Mumming Plays’, The Observer, 29 Mar. 1936, p.11c 2.2 (1982) 15 2.4 (1982) 24 (sum)
Fletcher, John P., ‘Mumming Plays’, The Observer, 12 Apr. 1936, p.9a 2.4 (1982) 24 (sum)
Foley, Catherine, ‘Irish Traditional Step-Dance in Cork’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 39 (rec)
Forrest, John, Morris and Matachin: A Study in Comparative Choreography (Sheffield: EFDSS and CECTAL), (due October 1983) 3.3 (1983) 16 (adv)
Fosbroke, Thomas D., Encyclopaedia of Antiquities and Elements of Archaeology, Classical and Medieval (London: 1825), pp.595, 589 4.5 (1984) 51 (cit)
Foxworthy, Tony, Collection 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Frampton, George, ‘Louis Parker and His Pageant Morris Dancers, 1905-1909’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 40 (rec)
Fraser, Amy Stewart, The Hills of Home (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973), p. 74 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Fraser, Maxwell, West of Offa’s Dyke: South Wales (London: Robert Hale, 1958), p.59 2.1 (1982) 4 (cit)
Frazer, Sir James George, The Golden Bough, abridged edn (New York: Macmillan, 1978), p. 268 6.5 (1986) 39 (cit)
Frow, Gerald, Oh Yes It Is!: A History of Pantomime (London: BBC Publications, 1985 or 1986) {citations vary} 5.6 (1985) 61 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)

Authors - G

Gailey, Alan, ‘The Folk-Play in Ireland’, Studia Hibernica 6 (Dublin: St Patrick’s College, 1966), 114-45 passim 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Gailey, Alan, ‘The Rhymers of South-East Antrim’, Ulster Folklife, 13 (1967), 18, 20-2, f.p. 20 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Gailey, Alan, ‘Review of "English Ritual Drama"’, Ulster Folklife, 14 (1968), 83 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Gailey, Alan, Irish Folk Drama (Cork: Mercier Press, 1969) 5.2 (1985) 20 6.5 (1986) 38 (cit)
Gailey, Alan, ‘"Mummers" and Christmas Rhymers’ Plays in Ireland: The Problem of Distribution’, Ulster Folklife, 24 (1978), 59-68 1.6 (1981) 38 (rec)
Galgay, Frank, & Michael McCarthy, A Christmas Box (St John’s Nfld: Harry Cuff) [includes numerous references to mummers in Newfoundland] 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Gammon, Vic, A. L. Lloyd and History: A Reconsideration of Aspects of ‘Folk Song in England’ 3.4 (1983) 28 (sum)
Gandy, Ida, A Wiltshire Childhood [Bishop Cannings] (Allen and Unwin, 1929; reprinted Alan Sutton in collaboration with Wiltshire County Council Library and Museum Service, 1988) pp.192-3 7.4 (1990) 68 (sum)
Gatschet, Alb. S., ‘Schlossar's Collection of Popular Plays’ [Austria], Journal of American Folklore, 4 (1891), 353-4 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Gavin, Barry, A. L. Lloyd: Folk Song on Film 3.4 (1983) 28 (sum)
Gawthorne, Arthur E., ‘A Christmas Play’, Northampton County Magazine, 2.24 (1929), 310-11 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Gee, S., & S. Mills, Old Ball: The Lancashire Hobby Horse (Lancashire: the author, 1978) 1.6 (1981) 38 (rec)
Geertz, Clifford, The Interpretation of Cultures (New York: Basic Books, 1973), pp.87-141 6.6 (1986) 55 (cit)
Gilbert, Davies, Ancient Christmas Carols (London: 1822), pp.6-7 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Glassie, Henry, All Silver and No Brass (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975), pp.14-15, 25, 85-6, 89, 90, 93, 117, 131, 138 6.5 (1986) 38 (cit)
Gleaner, The, ‘The Week in Wiltshire’, cutting in museum of Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, Devizes (Cuttings 22-346), Wiltshire Times, 23 Dec. 1865, 3c (reference corrected by 1.3 (1981) 20) 1.1 (1980) 1 (cit)
Gold, Peter, ‘Total Transcription’, Alcheringa, 4 (Autumn 1972), 1-4 6.6 (1986) 55 (cit)
Gomez, Manuel, and Lara & Rafael Portillo, Holy Week Performances of the Passion in Spain: Connections with European Medieval Drama 7.1 (1988) 13 (fco)
Götrick, Kacke, Apidan Theatre and Modern Drama: A Study in a Traditional Yoruba Theatre and its Influence on Modern Drama by Yoruba Playwrights (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1984) 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Grant, Bob, and Mike Heaney, ‘In Steps!’, English Dance and Song, 43.4 (1981), 18-20 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec)
Green, A. E., ‘Popular Drama and the Mummers Play’, in Performance and Politics in Popular Drama, ed. by David Bradley (C.U.P., 1980) 1.1 (1980) 6 (fco)
Green, R. J., ‘St George and the Dragon: A Study in Folk-Art’,  (unpublished B.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1964) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
Green, Thomas A. (ed.), ‘Folk Drama Special Issue’, Journal of American Folklore, 94 (1981) 1.1 (1980) 6 (fco) 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec)
  6.6 (1986) 54 (cit)
Green, Thomas A., ‘Introduction’, Journal of American Folklore, 94 (1981), 421-32 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec) 6.6 (1986) 54 (cit)
[Green, William], Life and Adventures of a Cheap Jack: By One of the Fraternity, ed. by Charles Hindley (New Edition: London: Chatto and Windus, 1881) (first published 1976) 5.1 (1985) 2 (cit)
Greig, Rory, ‘We Have a Poor Old Horse’, Lore and Language, 2.9 (1973), 7-10 1.6 (1981) 35 (cit)
Greig, Ruairidh, ‘The Kirmington Plough-Jags Play’, Folk Music Journal, 3.3 (1977), 233-41 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Grimes, Ronald L., Beginnings in Ritual Studies (Landam: University Press of America, 1982) 6.1 (1986) 5 (rec)
Guilford, Everard L., Manuscripts, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire Record Office, M9909, M9910, M9913 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)

Authors - H

H., ‘Christmas Mummers’, Illustrated London News (21 Dec. 1861), 636 4.3 (1984) 25-6 (cop)
H. E., ‘Manners and Customs of Old Stockport: Peace Egging’, Advertiser Notes and Queries, [1] (Stockport: Advertiser Office, 1882), pp.103-4 (first publ. in Stockport Advertiser, 9 Jul. 1881) 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Halpert, Herbert, ‘A Typology of Mumming’, in Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland, ed. by Herbert Halpert and G. M. Story (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), p.44 6.5 (1986) 38 (cit)
Halpert, Herbert, and G. M. Story (eds), Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1969) 1.6 (1981) 39 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Hamer, Frederick B., ‘Mumming Plays’, The Observer, 5 Apr. 1936, p.13d 2.4 (1982) 24 (sum)
‘The Leaves of Life’ [field recordings from the 1960s recorded by Fred Hamer], (Vaughan Williams Library Cassette VWML 003) 7.2 (1989) 22 (adv)
Hand, Wayland D., ‘From Folk Legend to Folk Custom: the Shift from Narrative to Dramatic Contexts’, Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore, 2 (1976), 11-19 2.3 (1982) 22 (rec)
Handelman, Don, ‘Inside-Out, Outside-In: Concealment and Revelation in Newfoundland Christmas Mumming’, in Text, Play and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society (Proceedings of the American Ethnology Society, 1984), pp. 247-77 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Hansford, F. E., ‘The Christmas Mumming Play’, Schoolmaster and Woman Teacher’s Chronicle, 20 Dec. 1928, p.1122 (cutting in F. B. Hamer collection) 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Hardiston, O. B., Christian Rite and Christian Drama in the Middle Ages (Baltimore: 1965), p.17 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Hardy, Thomas, The Return of the Native (1878) 3.3 (1983) 18 (cit)
Hargreaves, Ray, ‘We are the Merry Actors’, English Dance and Song, 43.4 (1981), 2-3 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec)
Harris, Bryan, ‘Crwmpyn John’, Folk Music Journal, 2.5 (1974), 396-9 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Harris, Edwin, Curious Kentish Customs (Rochester: Edwin Harris, 1899), p.11 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Harris, Edwin, ‘Recollections of Rochester: no. 8 - Further Reminiscences of the Old Stone Pump - Customs and Changes in Eastgate’, Chatham and Rochester Observer, 22 Apr. 1932 7.4 (1990) 67 (sum)
Harris, Roy, Collection 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Harrison, Alan, ‘Disguised Entertainers in the Gaelic Tradition’ 6.4 (1986) 33 (cit)
Harrison, William (coll. & ed.), Mona Miscellany: A Selection of Proverbs, Sayings, Ballads, Customs, Superstitions, and Legends Peculiar to the Isle of Man, Manx Society 16 (Douglas: The Manx Society, 1869), pp.166 ff 5.4 (1985) 33 (cit)
Harrop, Peter, ‘Mumming at Bampton’, Folklife, 18 (1980), 38-48 1.1 (1980) 6 (rec)
Harrop, Peter, The Internal Meaning of the English Folk Play 1.2 (1980) 12 (cit)
Harrop, Peter K., ‘The Performance of English Folk Plays: A Study in Dramatic Form and and Social Function’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1980) 7.2 (1989) 21, 26 (rec) 8.1 (1991) 10 (cit)
Harrop, Peter, ‘A Diachronic Approach to Folk Drama Performance, Traditional Drama Studies, 1 (1985) 6.1 (1986) 2 (sum)
Harrop, Peter, ‘Towards a Morphology of the English Folk Play’, Lore and Language, 5.2 (1986), 63-99 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Harrop, Peter, ‘The Ripon Plough Stots’, Traditional Drama Studies, 2 (1988), 1-18 7.3 (1989) 39 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Hartmann, A., Volkschauspiele: In Bayern und Osterreich-Ungarn gesammelt (Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel, 1880; repr. Wulluf: Sändig, 1972) 4.1 (1984) 6 (cit)
Harwood, H. W., and F. H. Marsden, The Pace Egg: The Midgley Version (Halifax: the authors, 1935; repr. Halifax: David Bland, 1977) 2.1 (1981) 7 (rec) 2.4 (1982) 24 (cit)
  8.1 (1981) 9 (sum)
Hayward, Brian, ‘The Lesson on the Map: The Geography of the Scottish Folk Play . . .’ 1.6 (1981) 39 (sum)
Hayward, Richard, ‘Christmas Rhymers’, Ulster Illustrated, 5 (Winter 1957/8), 22-3, 25 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Heaney, Michael, ‘A New Theory of Morris Origins: A Review Article’, Folklore, 96.1 (1985), 29-37 [concerning John Forrest’s Morris and Mattachin: A Study in Comparative Choreography] 5.6 (1985) 61 (rec)
Heaney, Michael, ‘Early Morris’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 40 (rec)
Heaney, Michael, ‘New Light on the Revesby Sword Play’, Notes and Queries, 232.2 (1988), 191-3 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Heaney, Michael, ‘Kingston to Kenilworth: Early Plebeian Morris’, Folklore, 100.1 (1989), 88-104 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Heany, Michael, ‘Hawthorns and May Games, Mummers and Morris’, Folklore, 100.2 (1989), 248-9 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Hedelin, Francois, Abbé d’Aubignac, The Whole Art of the Stage (London: 1684) 4.4 (1984) 40 (sum) 6.3 (1986) 22 (cit)
Helm, Alex, University College London, Library, MS Notebook 31, p.127 2.5 (1982) 33 (cit)
Helm, Alex, The English Folk Play, Part 3 (Manchester District of the English Folk Dance Society, 1953), pp.3-10 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Helm, Alex, Cheshire Folk Drama (Ibstock: Guizer Press, 1968), 32-5, 42-51 2.2 (1982) 15 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Helm, Alex, The Chapbook Mummers’ Play (Ibstock: Guizer Press, 1969), p.6 2.6 (1982) 44 (cit)
Helm, Alex, Eight Mummers’ Plays (London: Ginn, 1971) 2.5 (1982) 29 6.5 (1986) 41 (cit)
Helm, Alex, The Life-Cycle Drama (Folklore Society) 1.1 (1980) 6 (fco)
Helm, Alex, The English Mummers’ Play (Woodbridge: D. S. Brewer; Totowa, NJ: Rowman and Littlefield, 1981) 1.5 (1981) 29 (cit), 30 (rec) 4.6 (1984) 64 (rec)
  5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Helm, Alex, Staffordshire Folk Drama (Ibstock: Guizer Press, 1984) 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Hislop, Dave, and Dave Trenow, ‘Boxing Day–Ripon 1969’, English Dance and Song, 32.3 (1970), 104 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Hitchins, Fortescue, The History of Cornwall (Helston: 1824), p.718 4.5 (1984) 49-51 (cit)
Hodgen, Margaret T., Early Anthropology in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries(Philadelphia, 1964) 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Hodgson, Joseph, Reminiscences, Superstitions, Improvements, and Customs of Whitehaven to the Present Time (Whitehaven: Joseph Hodgson, 1853), p.4 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
Hoffman, Professor, [pseud. of Angelo John Lewis], Drawing-Room Amusements and Evening Party Entertainments (London: George Routledge, [1878]), pp. 9-10 6.4 (1986) 25, 32 (sum)
Holland, Keith, ‘Pinner, Middlesex’ 2.3 (1982) 22 (txt)
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Authors - J

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Authors - K

Kaspersen, Soren, ‘Bildende Kunst, Theater und Volkstumlichkeit im Mittelalterlichen Danemark . . .’, in Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium, ed. by Flemming G. Andersen, Julia McGrew, Tom Pettitt & Reinhold Schroder (Odense: Odense University Press) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
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Knowles, Dougles, ‘The Milton Regis Play’, Manuscript in Sittingbourne Public Library 5.5 (1985) 47-50 (cop)
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Krohn, Rudiger, ‘"Der Man Verkert sich ein Frauen": Rollenklischees und Komik in den Fruhen Fastnacht-spielen’, in Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium, ed. by Flemming G. Andersen, Julia McGrew, Tom Pettitt & Reinhold Schroder (Odense University Press) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Kuhns, Paula Brunk, Camp Skits: The Child’s Folk Drama 4.2 (1984) 11-23 (txt) 6.4 (1986) 32 (cit)

Authors - L

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Authors - M

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Miller, Bernard, ‘Hand Shadows’, Strand Magazine, 27.1 (1897), 625-32 6.4 (1986) 32 (cit)
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Millington, Peter T., Manuscript, 18 & 25 Feb. 1971, in M. W. Barley collection 5.2 (1985) 20 (cit)
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Millington, Peter, Graphs for Visualising the Structures of Folk Plays {& see his 2.4 (1982) 25-6} 1.2 (1980) 8-10 (txt)
Millington, P. T., An Interim List of Nottinghamshire Folk Plays and Related Customs(Long Eaton: the author, 1980) 1.2 (1980) 12a (adv) 1.3 (1981) 21 (rec)
  2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
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Authors - N

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Authors - O

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Authors - P

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Pettitt, Tom, Traditional Drama and Theatre History: Some Recent and Forthcoming Events 6.4 (1986) 33 (txt)
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Plunkett, Mervyn, Collection 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
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Plunkett, Mervyn (recorder), The West Marden Tip-Teering 7.1 (1988) 9-13 (txt)
Pocius, Gerald L., ‘The Mummers Song in Newfoundland: Inellectuals, Revivalists and Cultural Nativism’, Newfoundland Studies, 4.1 (1988), 57-85 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Polwhele, R., The History of Cornwall (London: Cadell and Davies, 1803), III, 55 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
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Powdermaker, Hortense, After Freedom: A Cultural Study of the Deep South (New York: Russell & Russell, 1939), pp.283-4 6.6 (1986) 52 (cit)
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  3.6 (1983) 48 (cit)
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Authors - R

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R., S., {Sidney Race}, S., ‘Plough Monday and the Mummers' Play’, Nottingham Guardian, 18 Jan. 1947, cutting in Race collection 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
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Ratcliffe, Thomas, Manuscript, 1915 (property of Anne Cockburn) 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Rayfield, Rudd, ‘Mumming in Minnesota’ [A Report on the First Minnesota Sword Dance and Mumming Ale–January 1984], Morris Matters, 7.3 (1985), 6 5.5 (1985) 41 (rec)
Renwick, Roger deV., ‘The Mummers’ Play and the "Old Wives Tale"’, Journal of American Folklore, 94 (1981), 433-55 2.1 (1982) 7 (rec) 6.5 (1986) 38 (cit)
Renwick, Roger deV., ‘Review of Margaret R. Robertson, "The Newfoundland Mummers’ Christmas House Visit" (Ottowa: National Museum of Canada, 1984)’, Journal of American Folklore, (1986) 485-7 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Richards, Deborah Bowman, ‘A Bibliographic Essay on Afro-American Folk Drama’, Ohio Folklife, n.s. 6 (1979-81), 37-55 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
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Richards, Deborah Bowman, and Thomas E. Barden, The Old Ship of Zion, American Folklore Society Annual Meeting (31 July 1977) 6.6 (1986) 50, 55 (cit)
Richards, Sam, Correspondence {look at a wider range of performances called ‘drama’} 3.1 (1983) 5 (txt) 4.1 (1984) 4 (cop)
  4.5 (1984) 48 (cit) 6.4 (1986) 23, 32 (sum)
  6.4 (1986) 48 (cit)
Richardson, Christine, An Examination of the Relation Between the Shepherds Play and the Disruptive Figure of The Medieval Folk Drama 7.1 (1988) 13 (fco)
Ridden, G. M., ‘The Goathland Sword-Dance’,  (unpublished B.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1969) 7.2 (1989) 21 (cit)
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Robertson, Margaret, ‘The Symbolism of Christmas Mummering in Newfoundland’, Folklore, 93.2 (1982), 176-80 2.5 (1982) 34 (rec)
Robertson, Margaret M., The Newfoundland Mummers’ Christmas House-Visit, Mercury Series, Canadian Centre for Folk Studies Paper No. 49 (Ottowa: National Museum of Man, 1984) 5.5 (1985) 41 (rec)
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Rogers, Mary, ‘Tromogagh Mummers’ Play’, Impartial Reporter and Farmers’ Journal, 2 Jan. 1969, [n.p.n.] d-f, cutting in Ulster Folk Museum Archive 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
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Roud, Steve, ‘Review of Alex Helm, "The English Mummers' Play"’, English Dance and Song, 43.3 (1981), 24 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec)
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Authors - S

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Shuttleworth, Ron, correspondence 5.3 (1985) 29 (txt)
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Siks, Geraldine Brain, Creative Dramatics: An Art for Children (Harper and Row, 1958) 4.2 (1984) 14 (cit)
Simms, Norman, ‘Ned Ludd's Mummers’ Play’, Folklore, 89 (1978), 166-178 1.6 (1981) 38 (rec)
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Slotkin, J. S. (ed.), Readings in Early Anthropology (London: 1965) 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
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Smith, Charles Manby, Curiosities of London Life (London: W. & F. G. Cash, 1853), (this passage first published anonymously as ‘Music Grinders of the Metropolis’, Chambers’s Edinburgh Journal, 17 (1851), 196-201) 6.1 (1986) 4-5 (cop)
Smith, Ed, ‘Mummering: The Second Reason for Christmas’, Evening Telegram, [St John’s, Newfoundland], 3 Jan. 1987 6.5 (1986) 41-2 (cop)
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Smith, Georgina, ‘Chapbooks and Traditional Plays: Communication and Performance’, Folklore, 92.2 (1981), 208-18 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec) 2.6 (1982) 44 (cit)
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Smith, Paul, The Plouboys or Modes Dancers at Revesby: A Facsimile of an Earlier Manuscript . . . (Sheffield: Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, University of Sheffield), (early 1981) 1.1 (1980) 6 (fco)
Smith, Paul,  An Interim Directory of Researchers Specialist Interests (Part I) 1.5 (1981) 28 (txt)
Smith, Paul, The Old Tup and the Old Horse 1.6 (1981) 32-6 (txt)
Smith, Paul, The Morris Ring Archives {list of photographs} 1.6 (1981) 37 (txt)
Smith, Paul, That Damned Revesby Play: A Study in Contradiction 1.6 (1981) 40 (sum)
Smith, Paul, ‘Review of David Bradby & others, "Performance and Politics in Popular Drama: Aspects of Popular Entertainment in Theatre, Film and Television 1800-1976"’, Folk Music Journal, 4.2 (1981), 178-9 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec)
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Smith, Paul, Traditional Drama–Some Underlying Promises 2.6 (1982) 46 (sum)
Smith, Paul, Documenting Traditional Drama–II 3.6 (1983) 43-6 (txt)
Smith, Paul, Documenting Traditional Drama III 4.6 (1984) 56 (txt)
Smith, Paul, Biographical Data, CECTAL Research Guide No. 4 (Sheffield: CECTAL Publications, forthcoming) 4.1 (1984) 7 (fco)
Smith, Paul, ‘The Problems of Analysis of Traditional Play Texts: A Taxonomic Approach’, Traditional Drama Studies, 1 (1985) 6.1 (1986) 3 (sum)
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Smith, Paul, For O! For O! The Hobby Horse is Not Forgot 6.2 (1986) 7-8 (txt)
Smith, Paul, Out of Darkness 6.4 (1986) 23-32 (txt)
Smith, Paul and Georgina, ‘The Plouboys or Modes Dancers at Revesby’, English Dance and Song, 42.1 (1980), 7-9 1.1 (1980) 6 (rec)
Smith, Paul, and Liza Warner, The Quack Doctor: Some Aspects–an Informal Discussion 1.2 (1980) 12 (cit)
Smith, Paul and J. D. A. Widdowson, ‘Traditional Drama Studies’: A New Journal 6.1 (1986) 1-3 (txt)
Smith, Robert J., The Art of the Festival, Publications in Anthropology, 6 (Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 1975), p.131 6.6 (1986) 55 (cit)
Spratley, Philip, Mid East Mumming (London: EFDSS, 1977) 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
St Johnson, S. A., Manuscript, 18 Jan. 1939, Haslemere Museum, Copy in University College London, Library, Helm Collection, vol. 30, p.160 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Starr, Frederick, ‘Popular Celebrations in Mexico’, Journal of American Folklore, 9 (1896), 161-9 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Stead, Poets Christmas 4.1 (1984) 9 (cit)
Stevens, Martin, ‘The York Cycle as Carnival’ 6.4 (1986) 33 (cit)
Stevenson, Peter, ‘Folk Drama and the Chapbook: A Study of the Folk Play in Greater Manchester’ (unpublished M.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1976) 7.2 (1989) 22 (cit)
Stevenson, Peter, The Edwards and Bryning Chapbook 2.6 (1982) 46 (sum)
Stevenson, Peter, ’The Peace Egg, or, St George: An Easter Play’, An Original Chapbook from Edwards and Bryning with a Brief History (1982) 3.1 (1983) 4 (adv)
Stevenson, P., and G. Buckley, ‘The Chapbook and the Pace Egg Play in Rochdale’, Traditional Drama Studies, 1 (1985) 6.1 (1986) 2 (sum)
Stokes, James, ‘The Rector Versus the Dancer: New Evidence of a 17th Century Hobby Horse Entertainment in West Somerset’, English Dance and Song, 50.3 (1988), 2-3 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Stowell, Bonnie, ‘Folk Drama Scholarship in the United States: A Survey’, Folklore Annual, 2 (1970), p.61 6.6 (1986) 54 (cit)
Stumpfl, R., Kultspiele der Germanen als Ursprung des Mittelalterichen Dramas (Berlin: 1936), ch. V 3.3 (1983) 16 (cit)
Sugg, Redding S. Jr, ‘Heaven Bound’, Southern Folklore Quarterly, 27 (1963), 249-66 6.6 (1986) 49 (cit)
Sughrue, Cynthia, ‘Some Thoughts on the "Tradition" Versus "Revival" Debate’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 40 (rec)
Swan, Nigel T., ‘The Pace-Egg Play in the Upper Calder Valley’ (unpublished M.A. thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklife Studies, University of Leeds, 1975) 7.2 (1989) 22 (cit)
Swiderski, Richard M., Voices: An Anthropologist’s Dialogue With an Italian-American Festival (London, Ont: Centre for Social & Humanistic Studies, 1986) 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Swift, Eric, Collection {present whereabouts of this part unknown} 2.2 (1982) 16 (cit)
Switton, Margaret Louise, Music and Literature in the Middle Ages: An Annotated Bibliography, Garland Medieval Bibliographies 4 (Garland, 1990) 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Szwed, John F., ‘Mumming as a Ritual of Social Relations’, in Christmas Mumming in Newfoundland, ed. by Herbert Halpert & G. M. Story (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), p.117 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)

Authors - T

Taft, Michael, Blues Lyric Poetry: An Anthology (New York: Garland Publishing, 1982) 3.5 (1983) 33 (cit)
Taft, Michael, Blues Lyric Poetry: A Concordance (forthcoming) 3.5 (1983) 33 (cit)
Tedlock, Dennis, ‘On the Translation of Style in Oral Narrative’, Journal of American Folklore, 84 (1971), 114-33 6.6 (1986) 55 (cit)
Tems, Mick, ‘A Welsh Christmas’, English Dance and Song, 43.4 (1981), 18-20 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec)
Tennant, Pamela, Village Notes (Heinemann, 1900), pp.191-7 4.6 (1984) 64 (cit)
Tennant, Pamela, incomplete letter to Mrs Eden, London, Folklore Society, Ordish Collection 4.6 (1984) 64 (cit)
Thompson, C. J. S., The Quacks of Old London (London: 1928) 4.5 (1984) 49 (cit)
Thompson, Paul, Collection 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Thorndike, Russell, Sybil Thorndike, 2nd ed. (London: Rockliff, 1950), p.32 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Tiddy, R. J. E., The Mummers’ Play (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1923) 4.1 (1984) 5, 6 4.5 (1984) 48
  4.6 (1984)  63-4 5.5 (1985) 47
  7.3 (1989) 43 (cit)
Tinsley, W. H., Manuscript, Jan. 1975, Lincoln, Lincolnshire Record Office, MCD924 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Tooley, Sarah H., ‘Old Christmas Customs in the Counties’, English Illustrated Magazine, n.s. 30 (1930), 269 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Torp, Lisbet, ‘European Chain and Round Dances: A Comparative Study’, Dance Studies, 10 (1986), 13-48 6.6 (1986) 60 (rec)
Townsend, A. D., ‘Cecil Sharp as Collector and Editor of Traditional Dance’, Traditional Dance, 5/6 (1988), Proceedings of the 5th and 6th Traditional Dance Conferences, Crewe, 1985 & 1986 7.3 (1989) 39 (rec)
Toyne, W., ‘A Farm Worker's Memories’ Lincolnshire Magazine, 2.11 (1936), 355 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Train, Joseph, An Historical and Statistical Account of the Isle of Man, 2 vols (Douglas: Mary A. Quiggin); {a reprint, see this citation for the complicated publishing history} 5.4 (1985) 32 (cit)
Trewey, [Felicien], The Art of Shadowgraphy: How it is Done (London: Jordison & Co., [n.d.]), pp. 4-16 6.4 (1986) 32 (cit)
Tucker, H. M., My Gower (Neath: Rowlands & Co., [1957]), pp.122-4 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Turner, Mary Vane, The Story of Deddington (Brackley: J. Smart, 1933), pp.71-2 2.2 (1982) 16 (cit)
Turner, Victor, The Ritual Process: Structure and Antistructure (Chicago: Aldine Press, 1969), pp. 102, 131-65, 167 6.6 (1986) 55 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)
Turner, Victor W., The Forest of Symbols (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1977), p.98 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)
Twycross, Meg, ‘My Visor is Philemon's Roof’ [on mediaeval and court mummings] 6.4 (1986) 33 (cit)
Tydeman, William, English Medieval Theatre 1400-1500 (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986) 6.4 (1986) 34 (rec)
Tydeman, William, ‘Satyric Strategies in the English Cycle Plays’, in Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium, ed. by Flemming G. Andersen, Julia McGrew, Tom Pettitt & Reinhold Schroder (Odense: Odense University Press) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Tylor, Paul 1, ‘Review of Alex Helm, "The English Mummers Play" (D. S. Brewer for the Folklore Society, 1981), and Gail Kligman, "Kalus: Symbolic Transformation in Rumanian Ritual" (University of Chicago Press, 1981)’, Folklore Forum, 15.1 (1982), 89-93 2.5 (1982) 34 (rec)

Authors - U

Underhill, Charles Hayward, History of Tutbury and Rolleston (Burton-upon-Trent: Tresises, [n.d.]) 2.5 (1982) 33 (cit)
Unwin, T. Fisher, Letter to T. F. Ordish, 3 Feb. 1914, London, Folklore Society, Ordish MSS Box 6, bound photocopies VI, f.46 4.1 (1984) 9 (sum)

Authors - V

Van Duk, Hans, ‘"Lanseloet van Denemerken", one of the "Abele Spelen" in the Hulthem Manuscript’, in Popular Drama in Northern Europe in the Later Middle Ages: A Symposium, ed. by Flemming G. Andersen, Julia McGrew, Tom Pettitt & Reinhold Schroder (Odense: Odense University Press) 7.1 (1988) 14 (rec)
Van Gennep, Arnold, The Rites of Passage (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1975), p.11 7.3 (1989) 38 (cit)
Vlach, John Michael, The Afro-American Tradition in Decorative Arts (Cleveland: Great Lakes Lithographic Co., 1978), pp.2-5 6.6 (1986) 54 (cit)
Voigt, Maureen F., A Structural Analysis of an Irish Mumming Play 6.5 (1986) 35-9 (txt)

Authors - W

Wace, A. J. B., ‘North Greek Festivals and the Worship of Dionysos’, Annual of the British School at Athens, (1909) 4.5 (1984) 48 (cit)
Wace, A. J. B., ‘More Mumming Plays in the Southern Balkans’, Annual of the British School at Athens, (1912) 4.5 (1984) 48 (cit)
Wade, Melvin, ‘Shining in Borrowed Plumage: Affirmation of Community in the Black Coronation Festivals of New England (c.1750-c.1850)’ Western Folklore, 40 (1981), 211-31 6.6 (1986) 55 (cit)
Wagonheim, Sylvia Stoler, The Annals of English Drama, 975-1700, 3rd edn (Routledge, 1989) 7.4 (1990) 57 (rec)
Wakeman, Sir Offley, ‘Rustic Stage Plays in Shropshire’, Shropshire Archaeological Transactions, 7 (1884), 385-6 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Walcott, Mackenzie, ‘Hampshire Mummers’, Notes and Queries, 3 ser., 1 (1862), 66 5.3 (1985) 30 (sum)
Wales, Tony, A Sussex Garland (Godfrey Cave, 1979; repr. Newbury: Countryside Books, 1986), pp.104-8 6.3 (1986) 17 (rec)
Walsh, Sadie, communication to Ireland’s Own, 26 Aug. 1939, p.32 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Ware, Edwin, ‘Memories of Old Customs’, St Edmunds Review, Northwood Hills Parish Magazine, No. 97 (Jan. 1966), 9-10 2.3 (1982) 22 (cit)
Warner, Elisabeth, The Russian Folk Theatre (Cassette R801, Exeter Tapes, The Language Centre, The University of Exeter, Queens, 1979) 2.3 (1982) 22 (rec)
Warner, Elizabeth A., ‘The Quack Doctor in the Russian Folk and Popular Theatre’, Folklore, 93.2 (1982), 166-75 2.5 (1982) 34 (rec)
Warner, Elizabeth, Folk Theatre and Dramatic Entertainments in Russia (Chadwick-Healey/ Consortium for Drama & Media in Higher Education, 1987) 6.6 (1986) 60 (rec)
Washington, Joseph, Black Religion (Boston: Beacon Press, 1966), pp.43-4 6.6 (1986) 54 (cit)
Wasson, John, ‘The St George and Robin Hood Plays in Devon’, Mediaeval English Theatre, 2 (1980), 66-9 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Wasson, John M. (ed.), Records of Early English Drama: Devon (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1986) 6.5 (1986) 44 (rec)
Watling, Rob, Two Stirlingshire Hero-Combat Plays (Stirling: privately printed, 1980) 1.3 (1981) 21 (rec)
Webb, Dave, ‘Headington Mummers’ Play’, Heritage Magazine (Oxford University Heritage Society, Hilary Term 1967), 12-13 2.2 (1982) 16 (cit)
Webb, Fred, Derby Evening Telegraph, 2 May 1958, (cited by Helm; Webb is an error for Archer) {see here under Archer} 2.5 (1982) 33 (cit)
Welch, Charles E. Jr, ‘The History of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade’, Pennsylvania Folklife, 9.1(1961), 57-8 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles E., ‘"Common Nuisances": The Evolution of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade’, Keystone Folklore Quarterly, 8 (1963), 95-106 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles E., ‘"The Blackface" Controversy in the Philadelphia Mummers Parade’, Keystone Folklore Quarterly, 9 (1964), 154-65 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles E., ‘String Bands’, Mummers Magazine, n.v. (Jan.-Feb. 1966), [n.p.n.] 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles Edgar, ‘The Philadelphia Mummers Parade: A Study in History, Folklore and Popular Tradition’ (unpublished dissertation, Philadelphia University, 1968) 3.6 (1983) 47 (sum)
Welch, Charles E., Oh! Dem Golden Slippers: A History of the Philadelphia Mummers Parade (Camden, NJ: Thomas J. Nelson, 1970) 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles E., ‘The Music Man’, Today Magazine, Philadephia Enquirer, 29 Dec. 1979, p.4 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welch, Charles E., ‘The New Jersey Mummers Connection’ (Cherry Hill, NJ) Courier-Post, 29 Dec. 1979 3.6 (1983) 47 (cit)
Welti, David, Collection 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Welty, Eudora, ‘A Pageant of Birds’, New Republic, 109 (25 Oct. 1943), 565-7 (reprinted in One Time, One Place (New York: Random House, 1971), pp.88-91) 6.6 (1986) 51-2 (sum)
Wharton, Colin Stanley,   ‘The Folklore of Warwickshire: A Field Collection with Comparative Annotations & Commentary’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Institute of Dialect & Folklore Studies, University of Leeds, 1974) 7.3 (1989) 40 (rec)
Whitaker, Thomas Dunham, The History and Antiquities of the Deanery of Craven, 3rd edn with many additions and corrections, ed. By A. W. Morant (London: Cassell Petter and Galpin, 1878), 549-50 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Wickham, Glynne, ‘Review of T. J. B. Spencer and S. Wells, "A Book of Masques in Honour of Allardyce Nicholl"’, Folk Music Journal, 4.2 (1981) 179-80 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec)
Wickham, Glynne, The Medieval Theatre, 3rd edn (Cambridge University Press, 1987) 6.6 (1986) 60 (rec)
Widdowson, John, A Newfoundland Mummers’ Play 1.6 (1981) 39 (sum)
Wigg, M. Dorothea, ‘Christmas Mumming’, Northampton County Magazine, 3.36 (1930), 328 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Wiggins, William H. Jr, ‘In the Rapture’ {film} (Indiana University Audio Visual Dept., CS 2662) (1976) 6.6 (1986) 49 (cit)
Wiggins, William H. Jr, ‘In the Rapture’, Festival of American Folklife (Washington: Smithsonian Institution and National Park Service, 1976), pp.16-17 6.6 (1986) 49, 54 (sum)
Wiggins, William H. Jr, ‘"In the Rapture": The Black Aesthetic and Folk Drama’, Callaloo, 2 (Feb. 1978), 103-11 6.6 (1986) 49 (cit)
Wiggins, William H. Jr, ‘Jesus Has Planted the Seed of Carvin’ in Me: The Impact of Afro-American Folk Religion on the Limestone Sculpture of William Edmondson’, in William Edmondson: A Retrospective, ed. by Georganne Fletcher (Nashville: Williams Printing Co., 1981), pp.31-42 6.6 (1986) 50, 54 (sum)
Wiles, David, The Early Plays of Robin Hood (Woodbridge: D. S. Brewer, 1981) 2.1 (1982) 8 (rec)
Wilkinson, John H., Leeds Dialect Glossary and Lore (Leeds: the author, 1867), p. 163 2.2 (1982) 16 (cit)
Wilkinson, Rev. R. F., Notebook, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire County Record Office, DDW 126/7 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Willetts, Carl, Collection 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Willetts, Carl, West Malling, Kent 5.3 (1985) 23-4 (txt) 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Willetts, Carl, Kent ‘Seven Champions’ and a Play from Milton Regis 5.5 (1985) 42-50 (txt) 6.3 (1986) 16 (cit)
Williams, R. Vaughan, Journal of the Folk Song Society, 3.13 (1909), 261-2 1.3 (1981) 19 (cit)
Wilson, F. P., ‘E. K. Chambers: Obituary’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 42 (1956), 279 4.5 (1984) 50 (cit)
Winey, Faye McAfee, ‘Belsnickling in Paxtonville’, Pennsylvania Folklife, 29.2 (1969-70), 10-13 7.3 (1989) 44 (rec)
Wood, G. Bernard, ‘North Country Amusements of Long Ago’, Country Life, 138.3587, 2 Dec. 1965, p.1513 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
‘Plough Monday Play performed at Bothamsall, presented to the Rev. D. D. Woodgate 1953’, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire County Record Office, DD31/1 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)
Wright, Joseph, The English Dialect Dictionary (Oxford: Henry Frowde, 1905), VI, 162a & 395a 5.2 (1985) 22 (cit)

Authors - Y

Yates, Mike, Collection: taped copy of Nether Alderley play [n.d.] 2.5 (1982) 29 (cit)
Yates, Norris, ‘Children's Folk Plays in Western Oregon’, Western Folklore, 9, 55-62 4.2 (1984) 14 (cit)


Articles without author, not in a periodical


The Berkshire Book (Reading: Berks. Fed. W.I.s, 1939), p.29 3.1 (1983) 3 (cit)
Campden Petty Sessions Minutes, 4 Apr. 1990 {error for 1890}, Gloucestershire Record Office PS CA M1/6 8.1 (1991) 12 (sum)
Christmas Revels: or, The Puritan’s Discomfiture (London: R. Washbourne, 1886) 3.4 (1983) 24 (cit)
Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1890 2.3 (1982) 20 (cit)
Derby Tup (Unstone: Garland Films [n.d.]) 1.5 (1981) 30a (adv)
Dictionary of National Biography 2.5 (1982) 28 (cit)
Evidence, Magistrates Court, Bonne Bay {Nfld}, PANL GN 5/3/F/12 8.1 (1991) 1-3 (cop)
Folk Drama , Folklore/Folklife Educational Series (St John’s, Nfld: Breakwater Books, 1983) 4.4 (1984) 31 (rec)
Grandma Tooley’s Old Fashioned Picture Book for Boys and Girls (Scotia, NY: Americana Review, 1960), [p. 29] 6.4 (1986) 24, 32 (sum)
Handlist of Papers of Professor M. W. Barley (Nottingham: Manuscripts Department, University of Nottingham, [n.d.]). Pages 4 to 10 include a list of Professor Barley’s collection of materials relating to Plough Monday plays 1.3 (1981) 21 (rec)
A History of Bearsted and Thurnham (Bearsted and Thurnham History Book Committee, [1978]), p.136 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
History of Welford, vol. 7 [c. 1900], Reading Public Library, MS BTW/D 3794 2.3 (1982) 20 (cit)
The Life of the Late Famous Comedian, Jo. Hayns: Containing His Comical Exploits and Adventures, Both at Home and Abroad (London: J. Nutt, 1701) 5.3 (1985) 29 (cit)
‘Memories of Newark’ (1963), Nottingham, Nottinghamshire County Record Office, DD121/3/4 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
‘Memories of a Villager’ (1960), Nottingham, Nottinghamshire County Record Office, DD121/1 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
Newspaper Cuttings, Nottinghamshire County Library, Local History Collection, qL39-39.9 (1948-50) 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Papers on Traditional Drama Presented at the American Folklore Society Annual Meeting– Pittsburgh, 16-19 October 1980 1.2 (1980) 10-11 (sum)
Plaxtol–A Kentish Village, (Plaxtol W. I., 1957), p.56 7.4 (1990) 67 (sum)
St George & The Dragon (Coventry: J. Turner, printer, [n.d.]), from Charles Harding Firth Collection, E105 5.1 (1985) 7 (cop)
Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes Village History Competition, 1966, typescript, Edinburgh, National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland; copy in University College London, Library, Helm Collection, vol. 28, pp.100, 140 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
‘Theatre Royal, Drury Lane: The Unprecedented Success . . . ’ (poster of Dec. 1833 in Victoria and Albert Theatre Museum) 3.4 (1983) 22(cop), 24 4.5 (1984) 45 (cit)  
Vaughan Williams Memorial Library Collection {no further information} 4.6 (1984) 63 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)

Articles without author in periodicals

Periodical title order

‘The Alderley Mummers’, Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser, 17 Dec. 1937, p.2g 8.1(1991) 5-6 (cop)
‘"Pearly Pearls" at Over Alderley’, Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser, 24 Dec. 1937, p.9b 8.1 (1991) 8-9 (cop)
‘Mummers on the Air: Christmas Eve Broad-cast from Alderley Park’, Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser, 24 Dec. 1937, p.9c 8.1 (1991) 6-8 (cop)
‘Mummers on the Air: Perfect Broadcast from Alderley Park’, Alderley and Wilmslow Advertiser, 31 Dec. 1937, p.9b 8.1 (1991) 8 (cop)
British Library News, No. 84 (April 1983) 3.3 (1983) 16 (sum)
Croydon Chronicle, 9 Aug. 1879, p. 6d, apparently reprinted from the Globe 7.2 (1989) 27-8 (cop)
‘The Christmas Festivities of 1868’, Derbyshire Times, 2 Jan. 1869 2.4 (1982) 27-8 (cop)
Evening Herald , 19 Jan. 1955, 4ef 2.2 (1982) 14 (cit)
‘Mummers are Making a Comeback’, Evening Telegram, [St John's, Newfoundland], 3 Jan. 1987 6.5 (1986) 43 (cop)
‘Campden Mummers in 1891’, Evesham Journal, 16 Jan. 1937, p.16; corrected in the same, 23 Jan. 1937, p.13, (photograph was of morris dancers, not mummers; also date was 1896, see reference here for Chandler, 1984) 8.1 (1991) 11 (cit)
(Obituary of George Griffen), Evesham Journal, 16 Dec. 1939, p.13 8.1 (1991) 11 (cit)
Evesham Standard, 19 Apr. 1890, p. 3 8.1 (1991) 12 (cit)
‘Soul Caking Play, Cheshire’, Family Circle, 17.2 (1980), 133 {prize offered for finding the most  mistakes} 1.5 (1981) 27 (cop)
[Faversham] Gazette and Times, 26 Jan. 1978, p.30 5.5 (1985) 47 (cit)
Folk Review (March 1976), 14 1.1 (1980) 5 (cit)
Folk Review, 7.1 (1977), 15 3.2 (1983) 10 (sum)
Folk-Lore, 39 (1928), 273-9 2.3 (1982) 20 (cit)
‘Prof. Wynne Brings His Shadow-graph to the Gaiety and Star This Week’, Glasgow Evening Times, 10 Sep. 1888, p.4 6.4 (1986) 32 (cit)
‘An Undress Rehearsal’, The Graphic–Christmas Number, 25 Dec. 1871, p.7, {date corrected by 4.3 (1984) 25} 2.3 (1982) 20-1 (cop) 3.4 (1983) 21
  4.5 (1984) 43 (cit)
‘Twelvth Day’, Supplement to Illustrated London News, (13 Dec. 1842), 548-9 3.4 (1983) 24 (sum)
‘Effects of Masking–Two Children Terrified to Death’, Illustrated London News, (21 Dec. 1850) p. 471 4.3 (1984) 30 (cop)
‘Christmas Mummers in the Olden Time’, Illustrated London News (22 Dec. 1866), 618 4.3 (1984) 27-8 (cop)
Journal of the Folk Song Society, 2.7 (1905), 130-1 1.3 (1981) 19 (cit)
Lady’s Pictorial, 27 Dec. 1895, p. 1007 1.5 (1981) 30 (cop)
‘"Heaven Bound": Negro Baptist Church in Richmond Stages a Miracle Play’, Life, 17 May 1943, pp.26-7 6.6 (1986) 48 (cit)
‘Diaboloical Doings in Atlanta,’ Life, 26 Jan. 1953, pp.55-8 6.6 (1986) 48 (cit)
London Calling (London: BBC), issues not specified 7.1 (1988) 2, 4 (cit)
London Calling (London: BBC), 1 Nov. 1946 7.1 (1988) 8 (cit)
‘Proceedings of the Contemporary Morris and Sword Dancing Conference, CECTAL, Sheffield, March 1988’, Lore and Language, 6.2, Special Issue (1987) 7.3 (1989) 39 (rec)
Manx Sun , 10 Jan. 1832 5.4 (1985) 32-6 (cop)
‘Mummers on Parade’ {in Philadelphia}, National Geographic World, 76 (Dec. 1981) 12-17 2.4 (1982) 28 (rec)
‘"Mumming": A Quaint Old Custom’, The New Penny Magazine, no. 63 (6 Jan. 1900), 632-4 6.2 (1986) 9-11 (cop)
Newbury Weekly News, 11 Dec. 1912 and 8 Jan. 1914 3.1 (1983) 4 (cit)
Newspaper Library Newsletter, 1 (London: British Library Reference Division, 1980) 1.3 (1981) 21 (rev)
Norfolk Chronicle, 29 Dec. 1894 and 25 Oct. 1904 6.3 (1986) 13 (sum)
Nottinghamshire Countryside, (January 1939), 26 7.3 (1989) 45 (cop)
‘"Plough Monday" Play in Notts’, [Nottingham?] Journal, 14 Jan. 1941, cutting in Nottinghamshire  County Library Local History Collection, qL39-39.9 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
‘Notts. G., 28 Dec. 07', newspaper cutting so annotated in James Prior, MS ‘Notts Dialect Words’ f. 51r, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire County Record Office, M441 5.2 (1985) 21 (cit)
‘The Mummers' Play at Yaxley’, Peterborough Advertiser and South Midland Times, Wednesday, 12 Mar. 1902, 6f {two series each week, essential to cite the day} 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
Radio Times, Northern Edition, for 31 Sep. 1934 8.1 (1991) 5 (cop)
Radio Times , 20 Dec. 1935 6.5 (1986) 39 (sum)
Radio Times , 26 Oct. 1934, p.318 7.1 (1988) 3 (cit)
Radio Times , 10 Dec. 1937 (refers to a broadcast on 18 Dec. 1937), cutting in the Frederick B. Hamer Collection 2.2 (1982) 15 (cit)
‘Police Intelligence: Brigg Petty Sessions: Tuseday’, Retford and Gainsborough Times, 14 Jan. 1881, p.2 3.6 (1983) 41-2 (cop)
‘Police Intelligence: Gainsborough Petty Sessions: Tuesday’, Retford and Gainsborough Times, 20 Jan. 1882, p.2 3.6 (1983) 42 (cop)
‘Shocking Death of a "Plough Jagger" in the Snow’, Retford and Gainsborough Times, 14 Jan. 1887, p. 8 3.6 (1983) 42-3 (cop)
A Battle Amongst the Christmas Mummers, Roomer, 1.1 (1980) 1-2 1.1 (1980) 1-2 (txt)  
Periodical and Newspaper Search, Roomer, 1.1 (1980) 3 1.1 (1980) 3 (txt)
The Pace Egg Play–Houldsworth Schools, 1885, Roomer, 1.1 (1980) 4 1.1 (1980) 4 (txt)
Folk Play Indexing Workshop, Roomer, 1.2 (1980) 11-12 1.2 (1980) 11-12 (txt)
Journals Search {asks if journals listed have been searched}, Roomer, 1.3 (1981) 22 1.3 (1981) 22 (txt)
The Ordnance Survey Atlas of Great Britain (Feltham: Ordnance Survey, Country Life Books, 1982), Roomer, 2.6 (1982) 47 2.6 (1982) 47 (rev)
Drama in Hull and District, Roomer, 5.6 (1985) 62 5.6 (1985) 62 (txt)
Fragments from Hastings, Sussex, Roomer, 6.1 (1986) 3-4 6.1 (1986) 3-4 (txt)
B.B.C. Mummers–Part 1, Roomer, 6.5 (1986) 39 6.5 (1986) 39 (txt)
Surrey Gazette, 9 Jan.1869 8.1 (1991) 4 (sum)  
Traditional Drama Studies, 1 (1985) 6.1 (1986) 1-3 (rev)
Traditional Drama Studies, 2 6.1 (1986) 3 (fco)
Uttoxeter Advertiser, 23 Feb.1938, p.4, & 31 Dec.1953, p.3 7.2 (1989) 26 (cit)