This bibliography, compiled by Paul Smith, originally appeared inĀ Traditional Drama Studies, 4 (1996): 43-58.
Some items have been added since the original publication.
"'Los pastores,' a Remnant of Medieval Drama in San Antonio"
M.A. English, St. Mary's College, Texas, 1943
"The Las Palomas Manuscript of 'Los pastores.'"
M.A. English, University of New Mexico, 1960
"La pastoria: A New Mexican Shepherds' Play"
M.A. Spanish, Texas Western College, 1956
"The History of Los pastores of Las Cruces, New Mexico"
M.A. History, University of Southern California, 1937
"The Offering and the Offerers: A Generic Illocation of a Laredo 'Pastorela' in the Tradition of Shepherds' Plays (Spain, Mexico, Texas)"
Ph.D., The University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1982
"Los Pastores: Performance, Poetics, and Politics in Folk Drama"
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 1989
"The Passion Play Tradition in Mexico"
M.A. Speech, Louisiana State University, 1955
"Theater, Colonization and `The Conquest of Mexico': Performing the Other's Text as a Mode and Model of Cross-Cultural Dialogue"
Ph.D., University of Virginia, 1989
"Spanish Folkplays of the San Juan Basin (Colorado)"
M.A. English, Western-State College of Colorado, 1939
"Folk Music from the Los pastores Drama"
M.A. Education, San Jose State College, 1955
"Los pastores: Spanish-American Play of the Nativity Preserved in the Vicinity of Corpus Christi, Texas"
M.A. English, Texas College of Arts and Industries, 1940
"The Survivals of Medieval Religious Drama in New Mexico"
Ph.D. Literature, University of Missouri, 1959
"The Role of the Church and Folk in the Development of the Early Drama in New Mexico"
Ph.D. English, University of Pennsylvania, 1945
"The Nativity Plays of New Mexico"
M.A. Spanish, University of New Mexico, 1940
"A Study of the Matachine Dance in Selected Areas of Mexico and Texas"
M.Ed. Physical Education, University of Texas, 1962
"The Mexican Village Fiesta -- A Comparative Study"
M.A. Sociology, University of Maryland, 1959
"Los pastores"
M.A. English, Southwestern University, 1926
"Las Fiestas de Los Angeles, a Survey of the Yearly Celebrations 1894-1898"
M.A. History, University of California, Los Angeles, 1946
"Los pastores: The Mystery Play in California"
M.A. English, University of Southern California, 1921