This bibliography, compiled by Paul Smith, originally appeared in Traditional Drama Studies, 4 (1996): 43-58.

Some items have been added since the original publication.

Brady, Julia Anderson
"'The Legend of Southern Illinois': A Reader's Theatre Script Created from Primarily Indigenous Materials"
M.S. Speech, Southern Illinois University, 1963
Brown, Joseph Lee
"The Story of Joseph in Modern English Dramatic Literature"
Ph.D. English, Pennsylvania State University, 1953
Chiles, Margaret Isabel
"The Tristan Story in Contemporary British Drama"
(M.A. English, University of Chicago, 1928
Conlin, Ruth E
"Elements of Folklore Found in the Novels of Thomas Hardy and the Creative Use Made of Them"
M.A., Syracuse University, 1946
Earley, Edward F
"Garcia Lorca and Folk-Drama"
M.A. English, Columbia University, 1953
Everett, Ephraim Bryson
"Folk Customs in Thomas Hardy's Novels"
M.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1928
Firor, Ruth Anita
"Folkways in Thomas Hardy"
Ph.D. English, University of Pennsylvania, 1931
Funston, Jay L
"Don Juan in Drama"
M.A. English (Drama), Columbia University, 1955
Gaskins, Golda M
"Folk-Lore in Some Representative Modern Irish Drama"
M.A. English, University of South Dakota, 1934
Gates, Mae Chandler
"Folklore in the Works of Thomas Hardy"
M.A., University of Houston, 1950
Gleason, Sister Letitia Maria, S.S.J
"An Estimate of Lady Gregory: Folk-Dramatist and Comic Playwright of the Irish Renaissance"
M.A. English, Villanova College, 1936
Goodrich, Madeleine Munn
"Medea and Tradition: A Study of the Medea Plays of Euripides, Seneca, Corneille, and Jeffers"
M.A. English, Columbia University, 1948
Gordon, Margery
"Robin Hood in the Drama"
M.A. English, Columbia University, 1914
Harris, Jean S
"Faust in England: Manifestations of the Faust Theme in English Dramatic Literature"
M.A. English, Columbia University, 1955
Harris, Lillian
"The Character of the Yankee as Culled from American Dramas, from 1787-1839"
M.A. English, Columbia University, 1933
Howell, Alma Hays
"Three Don Juan Types in French Drama"
M.A. Romance Languages, Vanderbilt University, 1939
Jones, Hilary Maldwyn
"Thomas Hardy's Use of Superstition, Legend, and Rural Custom"
M.A., University of Southern Mississippi, 1959
Klein, Arthur Abraham
"The Use of Folklore in the Drama of John Millington Synge"
M.A. English, Brooklyn College, 1937
Lahser, Conrad
"The Legend of the Graf von Gleichen and Its Treatment in Contemporary German Drama"
M.A. German, Columbia University, 1920
Lang, Teresa (Sister Judith)
"A Study of the Sources of Desfontaines' Play Saint Alexis ou l'Illustre Olympie"
M.A. French, University of Washington, 1937
Leslie, Norma Julia
"Irish Drama of Legendary and Traditional Character"
M. Ed., Pennsylvania State University, 1933
Litsky, Rose
"The Contemporary German M峣hendrama"
M.A. German, Columbia University, 1914
MacMillan, W.D., III
"Certain Recent Dramatizations of Ancient Irish Legends"
M.A. English, University of North Carolina, 1920
McRae, John William
"Rip Van Winkle: A Comparative Synopsis of Three Dramatic Versions"
M.A. English, University of Washington, 1941
Ostwald, Martin
"A Myth as Drama: A Study of the Orestes Myth"
M.A. Social Thought, University of Chicago, 1948
Pillsbury, Harriett Louise
"The `Leyenda de los infantes de Lara' in Spanish Epic and Dramatic Literature"
M.A. Romance Languages, Stanford University, 1934
Quinn, James J., Jr
"The Jonathan Character in the American Drama"
Ph.D. English, Columbia University, 1955
Ross, Ester W. Bostleman
"The Rip Van Winkle Tradition in American Drama"
M.A. Speech, University of Southern California, 1931
Scholz, Magdalena Maria
"Wagner's Theory of Myth as a Dramatic Subject"
M.A. German, Columbia University, 1937
Schoonmaker, Anna Dell
"The Mary Stuart Legend in English Drama"
M.A. English, University of Kentucky, 1937
Smith, J.L
"Some Recent Treatments of the Don Juan Legend in French Drama"
M.A. Romance Languages, University of North Carolina, 1924
Steinhauser, Anna Wilhelmina
"The Supernatural Element in Raimund's Fairy Plays"
M.A. Germanic Languages and Literature, Columbia University, 1930
Sturniolo, Lily Ann
"Popular Beliefs and Traditional Customs in Some of the Plays of Moreto"
M.A. Spanish, Columbia University, 1934
Switzer, Marjorie Elizabeth
"The Development of Indian Plays on the American Stage, with Special Reference to the Pocahontas Story"
M.A. English, University of Chicago, 1929
Tillepy, Inez
"The Evolution of the Yankee Character in American Drama"
M.A. English, University of Alabama, 1939
Wolcott, Marion
"The Folk and Folklore in Hardy's Prose Fiction"
M.A., University of Chicago, 1927
Wolff, W.E
"Legendary Materials in the Drama of the Irish Renaissance"
M.A. Dramatic Art, University of North Carolina, 1942